I won't wear a mask and I won't get experimental gene therapy called 'vaccine'.

in The Man Cave3 years ago

It's over. The only thing left is residual fear. Thinking people, please consider that you have been bamboozeled. Let's start with masks, which don't protect you from Covid.


Of course we knew this. Masks stop coughing people from sprayong sputum, they.do not stop aerolsolized particles.from entering you airways. Masks are ineffective comfort blankets, and this is solid science. No statistical difference can be seen between areas that mandate masks and ones that don't.

Even famous virus and vaccine patent holder Anthony Fauci knows this, and reported it as earlymas February 2020.


Fauci's Patents, most notably making money from the global fight against HIV/AIDS since the 90's.

And how about this experimental gene therapy? I've already gone into great detail about why they are not vaccines. Vaccine is a word to make you 'trust' "science". Luckily I am actually literate, having learned to read and reason over the past 30 years. I can understand "science" and "statistics", and I can acutely detect bullshit. Here's a tip: 'Because science says so' is bullshit, because science is a process and it doesnt speak. Science, like statistics is being used to support weak, incorrect and even blatantly false claims.

Pandemic of the 'unvaccinated'

I think we've reached thethe hard edge of this push. Frankly, anyone who wanted a vaccine has probably gotten it. Those that don't are probably aware that these 'vaccines' have killed more people than all other (actual) vaccines in recorded history. In the US, official unpurged deaths In the Vaccine Adverse Events recording database say we are over 9 thousand deaths in the US from the vaccines.

Almost 2 months old:
Its over 15k in Europe.

Thrombosis, swelling hearts (miocarditis), miscarriges, this vaccine is serious stuff, especially if you really look carefully and realize that its more likely you will die from a car crash than from Covid. The delta variant might spread more easily, but to do.so.it becomes less deadly. Just as predicted by french nobel prize winner at the beginning of this pandemic.

And if the vaccines worked, maybe we would be happy to have spike proteins accumulating in our ovaries and other sensitive areas like lymphnodes. Perhaps women reporting strange heavy periods would think its worth it. But, they actually don't.

Vaccinated people are getting covid more than unvaccinated people, Why else are the vacvinated wearing masks?

The CDC has stopped counting breakthrough infections unless they end up in the hospital. There is some evidence now that the vaccine wipes out the strong natural immunity gained from actually surviving the virus. This is the natural immunity that has pulled humans through hard times for millions of years.

I have some work to do to dig up all the data on why these experimental gene therapies are actually dangerous, but for today I am happy enough to announce loud and proud that I will not allow myself to be experimented on, no matter how afraid those in power want me to feel.

In fact, the scientific thing to do is have a control group, so my position is in reality the pro-science stance.

Freedom and Friendship


Here is why I took the vaccine and why I will continue to wear a mask.

I am happy to have the vaccine. It is the first time in history that so much scientific and media attention has been on any medication (in addition to the actual tests conducted on it), and never before have so many people received the same treatment.

In my youth, I took many different recreational drugs. I didn't know what was in them (I only knew what the dodgy bloke I bought them off told me), they certainly hadn't been tested, held up to scrutiny by the entire world.

It would be hypocritical of me to not take something because of fear that it might do something to me (despite extensive evidence that it is safe)

As to masks...

I don't wear a mask to protect myself.

I wear a mask to protect others.

In many countries, it has been the practice for some years to wear a mask if unwell so as not to pass the illness on to others.

Even though I am vaccinated I will continue to wear a mask in enclosed spaces.

This is not out of fear.

I am not scared, I am not afraid of the virus. I am protected by the vaccine, I am fit and healthy.

I don't wear the mask out of fear for myself, I wear it out of consideration for others.

I made the clear decision to get the shot for personal reasons and family obligations. I do not regret that decision and would do it again if at that point in my life I was given the same circumstances.

What I will say is after I got the 2nd shot I called all my friends and told them to make sure the women in their families did not get the shot.

I do not have any "science" to back why I believe this to be what every woman should/shouldn't do other than what I have been living with since I received the 2nd shot. I think of myself as very level-headed. I believe the Earth is round. I do not think about theories late into the night. Yet if someone would ask me IF they should get the shot......My answer would be a very firm"NO!"

I don't wear the mask out of fear for myself, I wear it out of consideration for others.

I think wearing a mask to be polite to others is a good thing. I don't like people telling me what to do. I don't think either side of the mask issue has a right to make others feel bad for what they chose to do. We ALL have to live with our own decision. Wearing a mask IS a personal choice in the country I live in as of right now. People need to stop bickering over masks and look at the larger picture.

Which to me is how the WORLD was divided into TWO camps over a year ago. It was done by fear. It is also something never done before to the whole world.

I am more scared of how fast the world became divided by the fear of something than by getting a shot or wearing a mask.

Yet, no one is talking about that. They are still arguing amongst each other about who is more right, the mask wearer or the non-mask wearers.

Please think about it...........

As a brit I am used to living in a divided world unfortunately. Brexit destroyed many a relationship and continues to divide families and friends. And now covid has added to it. We need to care more for each other rather than who is right or wrong x

I SO agree!!!


If you look at the demographics in the western world, you will find that the split among mask wearers and non-mask wearers is much more profound than simply wearing or not wearing a mask. The two camps are mostly centered around two different world views and the issue of mask wearing has mostly been co-opted as a proxy for those differences. In other words, it is not mask wearing that is dividing us, it is just a manifestation of those underlying differences of opinion.

To put this into perspective, no one is objecting to all the rules surrounding driving a car, for instance, even though the requirements for operating a car legally are not small (you even have to carry around a "passport" to show you are allowed to drive the car and present it upon request to police).

The two camps are mostly centered around two different world views and the issue of mask wearing has mostly been co-opted as a proxy for those differences.

I agree 1000%

I go back to this.

I am more scared of how fast the world became divided. How someone can get hurt in a group of over 100 people and not one person offered to help. How not one person was even LOOKING to see if the hurt person was okay.

Rule number one in any conflict is to divide the people. The world, not just one country, is now very divided, and speaking for the USA it is political.

I do not ask that everyone thinks the same because how boring life would be, BUT in free-thinking make sure the world doesn't lose its humanity. Their kindness. The ability to bring others hope.

No ideology is 100% correct. There are too many factors at play and many that we "normal people" know nothing about.

Think however you want. It is your right as a human. Just don't forget to also be kind and bring hope to your fellow man.

and your analogy is spot on. I wrote a post about it 3 months ago. Face Masks and Seatbelts

Thank you, I am happy too. Seems reasonable that two people can do two different things and still be happy. Time will tell which of us has more reason to feel right. Although I could always get the vaccine later if this large experiment proves what you think, that it is safe.

Personally I don't want to be proved right. I just want to do what I feel is the right thing for me to do. Take care, my friend

Yet at the same time, most COVID-19 deaths in England are now currently among the vaccinated. Is this a cause for alarm?

Put simply, no, says Kit Yates, senior lecturer in mathematical biology at the University of Bath. No vaccines are 100% protective, so cases, hospitalisations and deaths are still to be somewhat expected among those who’ve been jabbed – and especially in those who are older.

Have you even read the first article buddy?? oO

It literally explains why x)

I did read the article, and if that convinces you that the these treatments are effective, I think we can agree to disagree. People did not continue to die of small pox or polio with the vaccines. These gene therapy treatments are vaccine in name only (VINO).

I honestly only read the first article xD

But yes, vaccine or not, age is a part of the death x)

The second article (the source article) is poorly written. The author wrote a clickbait title, then buried the key argument several paragraphs in. The author should have realized that biased minds would misinterpret it (and worse, then use it as propaganda), so they did a real disservice to society. Here is the key paragraph where the author tries to right the ship:

However, the 20-fold decrease in risk afforded by the vaccine isn’t enough to offset the 32-fold increase in underlying risk of death of an 70-year-old over a 35-year-old. Given the same risk of infection, we would still expect to see more double-vaccinated 70-year-olds die from COVID than unvaccinated 35-year-olds.

The point the article is trying to make is simple: most elderly people got vaccinated in England (they had priority access). It is mostly younger people that haven't been vaccinated. So despite being vaccinated, more elderly people still die of covid in England than young people, even unvaccinated ones, because the elderly are more susceptible.

But there is another important factor, beyond the obvious, in this case:
this data is for England, where many of those vaccinated were not vaccinated with the most effective vaccines (Pfizer and Moderna), unlike in the US, so many of those vaccinated are more susceptible to breakthrough infections. And in the US, by contrast, the overwhelming number of recent deaths ARE coming from the unvaccinated population.

But here is the key takeaway I recommend for the future: don't just read a headline and think you've learned something new. Headlines are too short to give you enough context to properly understand most issues and they are mostly written to sound controversial, just to attract readership, which means they are often even further divorced from reality. You really have to read and digest the entire article to make sure you understand the information.

Would you still believe the ‘vaccines’ are effective if the inventor of mRNA technology calculates otherwise?

First, to address the authority issue: Robert Malone claims to be the inventor of mRNA technology. It is easy to research this claim and discover it is a misrepresentation of reality. An accurate statement would be: he worked on mRNA technology. So have many other people. Notably, his work was done a long time ago (about 20 years ago) and there were 20 years of further research after him before mRNA vaccines were successfully created. Nor was he the first to work on mRNA. His move to grab the spotlight now in a hot area of research that he basically abandoned is pitiful, in my opinion.

But to be fair, let us divorce the argument from the problematic presenter. Also, I do not have the time to analyze his numbers and calculations for accuracy, so lets further assume they are accurate.

But even accepting all his calculations at face value for the sake of argument (which I do only reluctantly after having listened to previous analyses from this guy that I judged to be biased), there still remains a fundamental weakness in the above argument: it analyzes individual outcomes in a vacuum. If all these people got vaccinated, transmission would be dramatically lowered (almost eliminated entirely, in fact). This would result in a huge overall reduction in covid cases among the entire population (and therefore a much better average health outcome for everyone in the population). From my point of view, the inability for a scientist to miss this obvious result demonstrates a less-than-towering intellect.

Why don’t you read what you comment?

And thats fine by me. What i dont like is any mandates. Taxation is armed robbery, laws are tyranny. Yes, all public laws, you are free to make private, contract based "law".
But that aside, i would not take the vaccine for two reasons at this point. One is how hard it was pushed. Its called psychological reactance and is the only reason i have any hope left for humanity.
The other is that i suffer from an autoimmunodisorder which makes vaccines in general more dangerous to me. Can i currently provide proof of this? No. And at the point that it becomes mandatory for me to do so, well i wont be able to see my expert who sits in the hospital now, will I?

Facebook please censor this post!!!

Ooops wrong platform.. carry on.

I thought the same thing! Ha ha.

Help I'm in FB prison



I am just happy that I now have 5G implanted in me :p

I am already trying to connect to my wifes 5G.

Yeeeee!!!! The Cyborgs are coming!! :D

Today I am happy to announce loud and proud that I will take part in this great scientific vaccine experiment
by making my body available to science, as part of the unvaccinated control group. 😎

This is real science!

I just had my 2nd dose of Pfizer today and I am still alive….

I.am happy to hear you are still alive. Remember to be careful excercising for at least a week.

In fact, the scientific thing to do is have a control group, so my position is in reality the pro-science stance.

As a matter of fact, @ecoinstant, we have very large control groups. In Serbia, there are officially 41,000 Middle East immigrants that do not comply to any covid mandate. How many deaths? None. Official statement by the government Defense minister (Aleksandar Vulin at the time): “It’s a miracle that nobody has died!” The same thing happens with the immigrants in Greece and UK, who live in concentration camps in abysmal conditions. You have the whole state as a control group – Belarus. No excessive deaths whatsoever.

Coronavirus is a monstrous global lie.

Coronavirus is a monstrous global lie.

My conclusion too

 3 years ago  Reveal Comment

Mask wearing, vaccinated, social freaks… are dying and getting ill:


Those who do not use mask, who do not use ‘social distancing’ and refuse vaccine are not. Why is that not enough of an evidence for you?

Exactly right on how control groups are supposed to work! As just a thought experiment, I wonder what would happen if half of the Pfizer participants were to receive a letter that they had been injected saline. Maybe that would explain some evidence that vaccinated people are getting the virus.

Or maybe the real culprit is the PCR test. In a page explaining a 'debunked' claim, we see that CT counts over 28 are not suitable for genomic sequencing. Are virus still then suitable for replication and infection? Its likely all tests over 28 cycle count were 'false positives' (or possibly asymptomatic at 28-35 range)



Volunteer control group is not science, but neither is what the wizards are doing behind their curtains.

I'm in the control group!

I really think we all had it here. We were all sick at work in November before the science took over. It spread from one person to the next, and we all took a day off work.

I was more afraid of the monkeys who took the vaccine biting off the faces of the unvaccinated monkeys, but that's just me.

We are bound to be zombies eventually.


I heard some guy say that the vaccine knocks out the bodies natual immunity (antibodies), I need to search and find out if the source is good. I have been exposed several times and keep taking ivermectin drops, I haven't felt any symptoms but am tempted to get an antibody test to see. Great to hear from you!

I would like to get my antibodies tested too. I hear if you give blood they test it at the donation center. I will have to go sometime and see. Great to hear from you too!

I heard some guy say that the vaccine knocks out the bodies natural immunity

This is not true. If fact, it's the opposite case: vaccines generate an antibody response, allowing your body to learn how to fight a virus without being exposed to an active virus directly. It's like being taught how to fight with foam-covered sticks before getting in a duel with real steel.

This is also why a vaccine can't help you once you actually get infected with covid (apparently some people thought they could simply delay getting vaccinated until they actually got covid). Once you're in the fight for your life, it is too late to train your immune system in a safe controlled environment.

Hey @ecoinstant!

Good work on all the sciencing!

Do you have any info on the delta variant spreading more easily but being less deadly?

Also, where did you find that vaccinated people are getting more Covid than unvaccinated people?

Thanks thanks! Hope you and everyone is well!

Yes I am.going to dig that up for another post before too long. Thanks for reading.

Awesome! Thank you so much!

Awesome! Thank you so much Alex! I know you know this, but definitely make sure you've got evidence to back up any claims you're making... you don't want detractors to throw out your whole post because you couldn't back something up. People love to hyper-focus when arguing, debating... it's super annoying.

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I will never wear a mask nor get the vaccine.. why? Cause I'm not a sheep.

 3 years ago  Reveal Comment

You make a good point that some regions might be riskier to drive than others.

I am tempted both to write more about this topic, and at the same time shut up about it. Some points I definitely can find some more data and bring that to the party.

But some points I feel very strongly about:

  1. I won't be forced to feel afraid, and I can't be convinced to feel afraid by the mere word 'science'.

  2. Ignoring data is not science.

  3. No control group is not science. ('joke' at the end). I do perceive irony here because resistant people are following science by being a control group.

  4. Numbers where I live (and in the US) are overcounted, especially cases, with high PCR amplification rates, but also deaths, as hospitals get more money for covid death than any other kind of death. A friend and more than one known person here was killed by forced intubation/ventillator in the early days, this is related to hospital budgets.


  1. Cases are not deaths. (see PCR ampification). They are choosing to spin it up to 45 cycles to create false positive 'casedemic', while knowing that after 30-33 cycles this process is meaningless.

I would normally shut up about personal things, take my ivermectin and be quiet, but the alternative opinion is being shouted from the roof tops, and its honestly not very convincing to me.

I appreciate your response, as always.

I'll have to do some work. My example is shredded, but I think I can still pull a few.points out of the mess that has become my argument.😅