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RE: Surgery is Not an Option - Getting My Son the Care He Deserves - Obstacles

in The Man Cave3 years ago

Man @splatts ! You had a real ordeal (hey! I'm a poet!) I suppose my scoliosis showed as a young person, we knew it ran in my family. I have some cousins who would qualify for the term "Hunch Back" and one had her rib cage almost contacting her hip on one side.
The military noted my scoliosis, but mine wasn't really an issue, until now.
I used to look at my photos in ID images. I would SWEAR I had been standing up straight, but in the photos, I had one shoulder higher than the other.
I'm glad you have access to treatment. I'm VERY glad your son has you.

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On my mom’s side there are 3 who had scoliosis. 2 had surgery and one was in horrible condition and passed on years ago. In the chair they are able to stretch the spine straight and de-rotate at the same time. When we get back home I plan on posting up about some of the things they are doing. Surprisingly it seems to be a lot of common sense. Stretch the muscles, exercise the muscles, activate muscles and strengthen them. People come from all over the world to this place.

I feel certain it is too late for me, at age 65, to have any meaningful treatment.
At present, the main issue for me is not so much the curvature, but the kyphosis, making me curve forward rather than sideways (which does happen, but that is to me more cosmetic, rather than a real health issue)
Do keep us posted @splatts