Beautiful Girl Reggae Fanart Traditional Drawing

in Sketchbook3 years ago


Reggae Girl

Hey friends, I hope you are having a great time, today I stop a bit with the publications of the xmen heroines; To bring you this fanart that I have made of an image that I saw in paintings and I had to draw it since I liked the colors and style of the girl too much, also I had never done anything with reggae theme, so it seemed like a fantastic opportunity, in the Part of the girl's bag it took me a long time to decide what colors to use and in what order, I also noticed that there was a dark stripe that I didn't like, so I didn't apply the same technique to the pants, instead I decided to make a whole suit of yellow a little green on one side to give a richer color to the drawing; What I liked least would be the left arm, I think that with the afro its shape is lost too much and it remains like a void in that space, so I write down to review the composition for future works, this is all for this drawing, I hope you like it and see you next.

Hey amigos, espero la esten pasando muy bien, el dia de hoy me detengo un poco con las publicaciones de las heroinas de xmen; para traerles este fanart que he hecho de una imagen que vi en pinteres y tuve que dibujarla ya que me gusto demasiado los colores y estilo de la chica, ademas nunca habia hecho nada con tematica reggae, asi que me parecio una oportunidad fantastica, en la parte del bolso de la chica me tomo bastante tiempo decidir que colores usar y en que orden, tambien note que quedaba una raya oscura que no me gustaba, por ello no aplique la misma tecnica en los pantalones, en cambio decidi hacerle todo un traje de amarillo un poco de verde a un lado para dar mayor riqueza de colores al dibujo; lo que menos me gusto seria el brazo izquierdo creo que con el afro se pierde demasiado su forma y queda como un vacio en ese espacio, asi que me anoto revisar la composicion para futuros trabajos, esto es todo por este dibujo, espero les guste y nos vemos la proxima.

Process 📝 Proceso

Pencil sketch ✏️ Boceto a lápiz



Outline ✒️ Delineado


Color 🖌️



Finished drawing ✒️ Dibujo Finalizado


Reference image 👥 Imagen de Referencia


Thank you very much for viewing this post, see you next time 😄 Muchas Gracias por visitar este post, nos vemos la próxima.

Diseño sin título 1.gif


wow at first I thought that was a digital artwork. Your work is very clean. Awesome drawing!

Thank you very much, this comment is greatly appreciated 🙏

The way you made her body was soooo good!!!! <3 And great choices and arrangement of colors for the bag... <3

Thank you very much, I am glad that you noticed the work I put into making the bag, that makes me very happy 😊

You're welcome... <3 You did a great job!!! ^^ Looking forward to seeing more of your works.. ^^