
in Sketchbooklast year


What's up people, how are you, welcome to a new post, tonight I was finishing this little illustration which I will call as Apparition, somehow I tried to make the girl's face was seeing an angel appearing in front of her, maybe it could be called Salvation, I even put a little crown of light representing her divinity or purity.

Que pasa gente, como estan? sean bienvenidos a un nuevo post, esta noche estuve terminando esta pequeña ilustración la cual llamare como Aparición, de alguna forma trate de que la cara de la muchacha estuviera viendo un ángel apareciendo frente a ella, tal vez se podría llamar Salvación, incluso le coloque una pequeña corona de luz representando su divinidad o pureza.


Process / Proceso

As always once I have the sketch ready, I start to place the base colors of the skin, this time the base color was stronger to work exclusively on the light tones of the skin, after getting the first base of the skin I started with the hair to go completing part of the illustration.

Como siempre una vez tengo listo el boceto, comienzo a colocar los colores bases de la piel, esta vez el color base fue mas fuerte para trabajar exclusivamente en los tonos claros de la piel, después de conseguir la primera base de la piel comencé con el cabello para ir completando parte de la ilustración.




Lately I try to do the hair little by little, completely by hand strand by strand, after finishing the hair process I stopped for a moment to improve the finish of the skin, give it a little more naturalness but without losing the brushstroke effect I was achieving.

Últimamente trato de hacer el cabello poco a poco, por completo a mano mechón por mechón, después de terminar el proceso del cabello me detuve un momento para mejorar el acabado de la piel, darle un poquito mas de naturalidad pero sin perder el efecto de pinceladas que estaba logrando.






I didn't know exactly how to place the light effect, there was a version that I didn't keep because I didn't like it, but the first one I didn't like either, the background somehow took away the prominence of the body, so I just decided to place a black background with a strong light in the center.

No sabia exactamente como colocar el efecto de luz, hubo una versión que no guarde porque no me gusto, pero la primera tampoco me gustaba, el fondo de cierta forma le quitaba protagonismo al cuerpo, entonces solo decidí colocar un fondo negro con una luz fuerte en el centro.





This was the whole post, hope you liked it, see you next time!

Este fue todo el post, espero les haya gustado, hasta la próxima!


Excellent art.

Beautiful artwork!

many thanks riyadx!

Dios mioooo esta esta precioso! tan angelical :O impactada jeje

haajjahsj muchas gracias♥ trate de hacerla como tu angelical y bella ahhash

I love the magic halo starbust about her head, really lovely work @brataka

Thank you very much @donnadavisart what a pleasure to see you here again ñ.ñ I haven't heard from you in a while, how have you been? I hope well, greetings!

AAAA... Excelente trabajo, me encanta como reacciona la luz sobre el la piel y el ojo iluminado! 😍

heheh me alegra que te gustara yetsi n.n me gustan mucho tus ilustraciones! de la nutria quedo increíble!!

mis respeto eres un gran artista brother <3

my respect you are a great artist brother <3

Muchas gracias por el comentario bro:d!

Hola perdido

hola señor olfu:3

Hermosa tu pieza, me encanta!!!

muchisimas gracias akijirokoma! ♥

She looks like a martyr. I love the sparkle in her eyes. Greetings.

yesssss bro you are so right, she looks like a martyr, thanks to you for the comment!

The process was pretty damn amazing! A new fan of your works here!

thank you so much christianyocte I'm so glad to hear that!

Please continue posting your contents here 😍😍

This is really dope! I very much love the light effect.

cool coloring :) how long does it take to do this one ?

This is very beautiful!!! I love every bit of the process

It's amazing, the lighting effects are so well done !!

many thanks pipoune :3 yeaaah i really liked to do was to paint the lights.