Drawing Cat

in Sketchbook4 years ago


Saludos amigos aquí les vengo a compartir el dibujo que acabe de realizar sobre un curioso gatito, que vi mientras miraba imagenes por pinterest,su mirada fija y penetrante fue lo que me cautivo,y decidí usarlo como referencia de dibujo.

Greetings friends, here I come to share the drawing I just made about a curious kitten, which I saw while looking at images by pinterest, his stare and penetrating was what captivated me, and I decided to use it as a reference drawing.


  • Hoja blanca reciclada
  • Lapices HB
  • bolígrafo


  • Recycled white sheet
  • HB pencils
  • pen

Nota del proceso de mi dibujo:

Drawing process note

comencé elaborando un boceto,con ayuda del lápiz hb y el bolígrafo, y con trazados verticales y horizontales fui dándole tonalidad al dibujo

I started by making a sketch, with the help of the hb pencil and the pen,and with vertical and horizontal traces I was giving tone to the drawing







Gracias por ver mi publicación

Thank you for watching my publication

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👋 Hi @elvlogdedany, I was flipping through the blockchain and stumbled on your work! You've been upvoted by Sketchbook / a community for design and creativity. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon.

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