Drawing coffe day

in Sketchbook3 years ago


Saludos amigos de hive,les vengo a compartir mi practica de dibujo del día 😁 esta vez se trata referente a unas de mis pasiones por las tardes el café. ☕☕
greeting everyone,I come to share with you my drawing practice of the day 😁 this time it is about one of my passions in the afternoons coffee. ☕☕


Comencé dibujando una taza de café y su platico ,para pasar sombreado la taza de café con trazados laterales con el bolígrafo.
I started by drawing a coffee cup and its plastic, and then shaded the coffee cup with lateral strokes with the ballpoint pen.


luego seguí dibujando la cafetera,y con la misma técnica con el bolígrafo lo fui sombreado poco a poco,para la asa de la cafetera aplique mayor presión a los trazados.
Then I continued drawing the coffee pot, and with the same technique with the pen I shaded it little by little, for the handle of the coffee pot I applied more pressure to the lines.


Luego fui dibujando granos de café alrededor de la taza ☕y la cafetera.

Then I went around drawing coffee beans around the cup ☕and the coffee pot.




Gracias por ver y apreciar mis dibujos.

Thank you for viewing and appreciating my drawings.

Translated with: https://www.deepl.com/


@tipu curate

thank you very much for your support :)
@ficcion @tipu