Charcoal Drawing: Quick Sketch of a Rose

in Sketchbook4 years ago (edited)


A rose is a woody perennial flowering plant of the genus Rosa, in the family Rosaceae, or the flower it bears. There are over three hundred species and tens of thousands of cultivars.They form a group of plants that can be erect shrubs, climbing, or trailing, with stems that are often armed with sharp prickles. Flowers vary in size and shape and are usually large and showy, in colours ranging from white through yellows and reds. (c) source

Roses are most commonly associated with love and romance.

Charcoal Pencil
4B Graphite Pencil
Mechanical Pencil
Masking tape
Vellum Board

Drawing Progress:







I hope you like it! Leave comments, I would definitely be glad to read them.

Thank You! :))


I love the shading here. And I didn’t know that there are over three hundred species of the flower. That's crazy!

This is amazing. The shading is Joy giving!!

A drawing of a rose made with graphite and with excellent details in the shading that make it look very realistic. A great job.

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