Some inspiration for you, if you have a paper and some watercolor pencil

in Sketchbook3 years ago (edited)

Good morning, dear HiveBeez,
Have you ever create souldoodles?
If you answer never, that’s certainly not true. If you say, "I'm clumsy with this," I'm just smiling because I know you're capable of so much more. Anyone who has hands and eyesight can scribble.
As a child, you must have scribbled in your excersize booklets. If you could see my booklets! The teachers fainted, or were simply scream for my atrocities against my booklets. In my childhood, thinking differently and being creative was punished, considered deviance.
I suspect it still is, just a little more covertly.
Although I am not a teacher, I encourage everyone to be creative!
If you don’t have a goal with drawing, you just find joy in it, that’s good too! It’s like a hike in the woods or a self-forgetful game with your dog in the park. Or you just sit in the warm room and watch the bouncing fire in the fireplace with your purring cat on your lap.

Well, here are some examples to inspire you. You can copy them line-by line or color-by color, or better to create something new.





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With lots of love from Kalemandra unnamed (2)-1.jpg ***