Children's Illustrations. One Night in the Forest

in Sketchbook4 years ago


That night I couldn't sleep, the forest I saw on the way to my new house called me by my own name from my bedroom window. I knew it was scary, that it would scare me when I went, that the wolves could eat me, someone could tell me, why I walk to the forest in the middle of the night? luck my faithful friend follows me closely.

Hi friends!

I really love the illustration, with it I can express each of my feelings, wishes and moments. This is today's illustration, which I loved doing it, I had fun

It was easy to capture the idea, but I wanted it to be at night, how to do it? I spent a lot of time looking at illustrations in night time. and finally I said all blue, and yellow where the light hits, and let's see what comes out.


The result is so adorable, these characters still don't have names, but I'll use them quite a bit, so follow me to see more of their story.


I hope you have loved this short story and its illustration. See you the last time ;)


Nice drawing.Thanks.

👋 Hi @sarau, I was flipping through the blockchain and stumbled on your work! You've been upvoted by Sketchbook / a community for design and creativity. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon.

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The dog looks so peaceful :) Great drawing!

A drawing that represents a night image where a boy and his dog are seen. Children's image that is appreciated very well by the colors used.

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