[eng-esp]My mother and my grandmother Watercolor portrait

in Sketchbooklast year
Authored by @SaraU


Finalmente me atreví a realizar un retrato de mi madre junto a mi abuela, ella se reunen muy poco

Finally I dared to make a portrait of my mother with my grandmother, she meets very little

Mi madre eligió una fotografía en la que ella conservaba el cabello corto.
Inicié con un boceto a lápiz, usé acuarelas para dar una base, con la mima acuarela hice detalles y un poco de lápices de color para algunos detalles mas pequeños, mi madre enmarcó la obra y se la obsequió a mi abuela, la abuela se puso muy feliz y la tiene en la sala de su casa.

My mother chose a photograph in which she kept her hair short.
I started with a pencil sketch, I used watercolors to give a base, with the same watercolor I made details and a little bit of colored pencils for some smaller details, my mother framed the work and gave it to my grandmother, the grandmother got very happy and has it in the living room of his house




Nice watercolor, good job

Manually curated by EwkaW from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Oooh te ha quedado bien, nunca me ha gustado trabajar con acuarela pero te quedó geníal que bueno que le haya gustado a tú abuela.

This is really beautiful, I can see the resemblance between you and your mum!! Lovely!!