When I used to draw fashion designs [ESP-ENG]

in Sketchbook2 years ago
Hace poco estuve ordenando algunas cosas y conseguí unas viejas hojas en las que había reflejado algo que me entretenía mucho durante mi adolescencia: la moda.

Recently I was sorting some things and I got some old sheets on which I had reflected something that entertained me a lot during my adolescence: fashion.


Mi mamá tenía muchas revistas y en varias de ellas aparecían reseñas de desfiles de moda, que si: temporada de otoño-invierno, primavera-verano, etc. Me divertía ver esa ropa, sobre todo aquellos diseños que eran más estrafalarios según mi punto de vista.

My mom had a lot of magazines and in several of them there were reviews of fashion shows, like: fall-winter season, spring-summer, etc. It was fun for me to see those clothes, especially those designs that were more outlandish from my point of view.


Fotos de diferentes revistas Elle / Photos from different Elle magazines

Así que por un tiempo me dediqué a dibujar mis propias creaciones de piezas para vestir. No era ni soy hoy una chica fashionista, pero la moda me inspiró a dibujar, sin duda es un arte.

So for a while I dedicated myself to draw my own creations of pieces to wear. I wasn't and am not today a fashionista girl, but fashion inspired me to draw, it is certainly an art.


Fotos de diferentes revistas Elle / Photos from different Elle magazines

Mi técnica era sencilla, tomaba una hoja blanca y con un lápiz dibujaba primero la figura femenina. Como estos diseños son viejos no puedo mostrar el proceso, solamente el resultado.

My technique was simple, I took a white sheet of paper and with a pencil I first drew the female figure. As these designs are old I cannot show the process, only the result.


Comenzaba haciendo la cabeza, el contorno del rostro, luego el cuello, los hombros y así hasta llegar a las piernas.

I started by doing the head, the contour of the face, then the neck, the shoulders and so on until I got to the legs.


Después imaginaba la ropa que le trazaría encima a esa figura y borraba algunos contornos del cuerpo para dibujarla. Cuando ya tenía el diseño listo continuaba con la parte que más me gustaba: ponerle color. En mi cartuchera tenía variedad, la mayoría de mis lápices eran de la marca Berol Prismacolor, y si me faltaba algún tono mi hermana me prestaba de los suyos.

Then I imagined the clothes that I would draw over that figure and erased some contours of the body to draw it. When I had the design ready, I continued with the part I liked the most: coloring it. In my pencil case I had a variety, most of my pencils were of the Berol Prismacolor brand, and if I lacked any shade my sister would lend me some of hers.


Actualmente sigo teniendo colores Prismacolor, esta caja me la regaló una amiga / Currently I still have Prismacolor colors, this box was given to me by a friend


A continuación les presento cuatro diseños que hice en esa época, sé que había dibujado muchos más pero estos fueron los que sobrevivieron, no encontré otros.

Here are four designs I did at that time, I know I had drawn many more but these were the ones that survived, I didn't find others.





Los miro y aún me gustan, también me parecen algo graciosos porque a través de los años me parece que he mejorado mucho mi técnica, pueden ver algunos de mis dibujos más recientes publicados aquí en mi blog, claro, no tienen que ver con la moda, son retratos de Elvis Presley y Los Beatles, pero creo que muestran mi evolución jaja.

I look at them and I still like them, I also find them kind of funny because over the years I seem to have improved my technique a lot, you can see some of my most recent drawings published here on my blog, of course, they have nothing to do with fashion, they are portraits of Elvis Presley and The Beatles, but I think they show my evolution haha.


¿Qué les parecieron? Espero hayan encontrado entretenida mi experiencia con los diseños de moda.

What did you think? I hope you found my experience with fashion designs entertaining.


Todas las fotos son de mi propiedad / All photos are my property
Collages hechos con la web BeFunky / Collages made with the BeFunky website


Now I can see where all those cool hiking outfits of yours and your sister´s were coming from! :D

Hahahaha, hey that's a good idea! To start designing clothes for hikers! Thank you ;)

It is always great finding stuff from the past. It brings back memories and feelings and also you can see your past self from a distance. So priceless.

As for fashion drawing it is my favorite part too. You can be as much creative as you want with whatever you can imagine yourself wearing. Love it.🙂

You're absolutely right, it's great and sometimes funny, I liked that about "seeing your past self from a distance".

I have designed some simple pieces for myself even though I don't master the sewing machine, I take it to my mom who does work with it hehe.

I know you're a designer, I've seen several of your work, so I really appreciate you commenting on this, thanks!

That's great and who knows we might see some new designs from you in the future, I would love to. 🙂

Oh I so did! I think I should've laughed but didn't probably cause you frankly called them adolescent drawings. Well, literally not frankly but they are frankly what an adolescent would draw 😄. Okay maybe there was a chuckle at the beginning. I like them though.

That eraser is not as old as the drawings right? I like it 😁. I tend to like things that aren't just the way they're "supposed" to be. Haha

Hi! Yes, they are very basic drawings and it was fun to dust them hehehe.

Indeed, the eraser is the one I use now, I put it to illustrate that part of the post 😃.

Thanks for leaving me your impression, greetings!

Anytime! Cheers!

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Wooow todo los diseños muy bonitos pero el qué más me encantó fue el de la chica rubia con los atuendos de color rojo para mí es top 1.

Tienes mucho talento, continúa ☺️.

Jejeje ese es el atuendo rockero, ¡muchas gracias por apreciar y dejarme tu opinión!