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RE: Goku in his first Super Sayajin transformation (drawing)

in Sketchbook3 years ago

To achieve this potential state you must have arduous training of the warriors of that race that resemble humans but are aliens that belong to the imaginary universe of Dragon Ball.

😁😁 I want to have this super power too. Jokes aside, Good writing I enjoy reading it while scrolling your sketch.

Goku was my first hero when I was kid. I did tried before going to rampage mode hoping to become Super Sayajin like him! Resulting I got grounded from watching the anime for 1 weeks hahaha 😂🤣


Saludos, mis hijos imitaban a este personaje, era distracción ya son adultos y aún se emocionan al relatar episodios. Este boceto me lo sugirió mi hijo mayor que le encanta esta serie ficción.