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RE: Abuse Fighting Groups: Let's Talk Solutions (Art Edition)

in OCD4 years ago

I took one look at that photo and knew it was lacking the emotion your normal artwork contains. Imagine my relief to know it is artifical intelligence and not the creation of your inspiration and talents.

There is another category that recently came up in Korea and that is apprenticeship scamming. A popular artist was hiring others to do 99% of the work. He would add a few strokes, sign it and sell it. Apparently it is not fraud according to the appeals court and now supreme court. Here is a good article.

I like the idea of a hardball and consistent approach to any specific offense (post zeroing), but perhaps a second chance when it comes to blacklisting the account, unless it is deliberate fraud.

The I don't know excuses are really getting to me, especially when they think the post should still be rewarded because they forgot credit.


Yea, I don't have much sympathy for someone's single post getting zero'ed. I really feel like that's a slap on the wrist. But yea, getting added to a blacklist is pretty major and I think should be reserved for malicious users. Interesting about the apprenticeship scam thing. Scammers will find a way...