Corpse Flower | Bunga Bangkai

in OCD4 years ago


Hello everyone

Today I invited my son Syamil to take part in hunting for photography spots in the forest near Gampong Kandang. Before leaving, we first bought an anti-mosquito lotion. Because you know, going into the forest without carrying an anti-mosquito lotion, you seem to surrender your body to be invaded by those wild forest mosquitoes.


Before entering the forest, I first parked my motorbike in a house owned by a local resident, because to go to that location we had to walk along a path that climbed approximately 500 meters. I saw Syamil, my child was struggling and intermittently drank water that I deliberately brought.


Arriving at the location, the wind blows rather hard, so that even if you want to take photos of small animals such as insects we will lose focus because the trees or wild grass always sway in the wind. For about half an hour we waited, the wind was still blowing hard. Finally, we decided to go downhill to go home. Well, on the way, my son shouted while showing the strange plants he saw.


Oh, apparently he saw the corpse flower plants. The scent of the corpse flower has not spread a bad odor, because the buds have not yet bloomed. My son Syamil was so surprised and amazed, because this was the first time he had seen a corpse flower. I often saw corpse flower plants when I was little in the village first.

Well, finally, our photography hunting trip to the forest was not in vain. We can go home happy.

Bahasa Indonesia


Hallo semuanya

Hari ini saya mengajak anak saya Syamil untuk ikut serta berburu spot fotografi ke hutan dekat Gampong Kandang. Sebelum berangkat kami lebih dulu membeli lotion anti-nyamuk. Karena kau tahu, pergi ke hutan tanpa membawa lotion anti-nyamuk, kau seperti menyerahkan tubuhmu untuk diserbu nyamuk-nyamuk hutan yang ganas itu.


Sebelum masuk ke hutan, saya terlebih dulu memarkirkan sepeda motorku di sebuah rumah milik warga setempat, karena untuk menuju ke lokasi tersebut kita harus berjalan kaki menyusuri jalan setapak yang menanjak kurang lebih 500 meter. Saya lihat Syamil sampai ngos-ngosan dan sebentar-bentar minum air yang memang sengaja kubawa.


Tiba di lokasi, angin berhembus agak kencang, sehingga kalau pun ingin mengambil foto binatang kecil seperti serangga kita akan kehilangan fokus karena pepohonan atau rerumputan liar selalu bergoyang diterpa angin. Selama kurang lebih setengah jam kami menunggu, angin masih juga bertiup kencang. Akhirnya kami memutuskan turun bukit untuk pulang. Nah, di tengah perjalanan, anakku berteriak seraya menunjukkan tanaman aneh yang dilihatnya.


Oh, rupanya dia melihat tanaman bunga bangkai. Bau bunga bangkai ini belum begitu menebar bau busuk, karena kuncupnya belum mekar. Syamil anak saya begitu terheran-heran dan takjub, karena baru kali ini dia melihat bunga bangkai. Saya sudah sering melihat tanaman bunga bangkai ketika masih kecil di kampung dulu.

Yah, pada akhirnya, perjalanan berburu fotografi kami ke hutan tidak sia-sia. Kami bisa pulang dengan perasaan bahagia.

Lhokseumawe, 5 June 2020



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perfect kembangnya bang

@dilimunanzar terimakasih, Gan. Mau ikut berburu fotografi besok? Ayok!

Siap, pagi jam 8 s/d 4 sore [full time] :D

Hahaha... kalau siang sampai sore berangin, bro. Nggak coco untuk hunting macro.

Kalau macro pagi bro, Jam setengah 7 :D

What a weird looking flower!

@creativemary Yes, and this is a rare plant, the smell is very pungent like animal carcasses. And if I'm not mistaken, as far as I know, it only grows in southeast Asia.

Oh my, quite fascinating

Saya tidak tau bagaimana bentuk sebenarnya dari bunga ini,,, mantap photography flower nyaa

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