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RE: Light it up

in OCD3 years ago
Greetings! Reading your post was like watching on a screen some of the many discussions I keep inside my mind. Why should money, well not in itself, but its production, necessarily be the north of our parents' advice or upbringing? They stop nurturing skills that could even result in great talents, they stop nurturing that "curious spark" that guides every step in our lives? In the end, sadly they are right to worry, we must -produce- , because enjoying life turns out to be quite costly, but that does not necessarily imply annulling that desire to enjoy the simplest and most pleasurable things, such as drawing. Apparently we all, or in our majority and in a metaphorical way, turn out to be enclosed in those glass cubicles that you photographed and we eventually go out to live. Thanks for your publication!

Reading your post was like watching on a screen some of the many discussions I keep inside my mind.

This is what I like to hear! :)

Apparently we all, or in our majority and in a metaphorical way, turn out to be enclosed in those glass cubicles that you photographed and we eventually go out to live.

I am hoping that in the not too distant future, we are able to change the economy enough, hat we get out of the box earlier and have more opportunity and encouragement to do so.

I agree! It is time to wake up! Greetings!