interaction between butterfly and flower (mutualism symbiosis).

in OCD4 years ago

hi all my friends. maybe we can take some good points in our lives as fellow human beings. like these plants and animals that benefit one another (flowers and butterflies).
and I'm sure, by doing this. it will strengthen the kinship of fellow humans or with other things.


symbiosis of mutualism is a mutually beneficial relationship, in which both parties do not feel that there is a disadvantage. Mutual contribution and convenience, because they feel that they can not live without one party.


An example of mutualism symbiosis is the interaction between a butterfly and a flower. Butterflies generally like to eat sweet cider or nectar on flowers. While flowers as a reproductive organ in plants are helped because these beautiful insects help spread pollen.


When a butterfly alighted on a flower, its feet will touch the part of the pistil and stamens on the flower. Resulting in pollen sticking to the pistil and pollination process occurs on the flowers. Flowers are happy because it helps to breed, whereas butterflies are happy because they get food.


Likewise with the rhythm of communities and organizations such as CU Sawiran. Relationship of members, management and management cannot be separated from each other. Members as the spirit of CU Sawiran, Management as the control and management as the executor. These three things are interrelated and cannot be separated. Members must play an active role in terms of saving, borrowing and also the use of facilities provided by CU Sawiran.
The board as a member representative formulates the concept, vision and mission to be the basis of the movement. Management must be able to move the wheels of the organization so that it can move well according to its vision and mission. Collaboration between all parties is needed so that the wheels of the organization can move, progress and benefit all. Then, how do things work properly? Like the relationship of butterflies and flowers, they both provide and do everything needed according to their respective portions.


Learning from nature, relationships that are harmonious and beneficial make the cycle and life beautiful, comfortable, the emergence of trust between all parties. How to build this synergy? Intensive communication, perfect service, and reciprocity from all parties so that the symbiosis of mutualism is maintained. Come on, we all play a role to take part in the symbiosis of mutualism the.



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