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RE: Warrior God

in OCD4 years ago (edited)

By the way Ares is real. So is Mars Ultor. He lives in Paris ;)

"Directly in front of him, close enough to touch, was the Elder the Romans had worshipped as the God of War. Josh had never heard of Hekate or the Witch of Endor, and because he knew nothing about them, they hadn't had the same effect on him. This Elder was different. Now he knew what Dee had meant when he said that this was the Elder remembered by humankind. This was Mars himself, the Elder with a month and a planet named after him"

— Michael Scott, The Magician

I am a big fan!

Getting back to the fact in hand ... your case. Maybe you are observer, maybe you are a reactionary; but did that make any difference?


Oyvey!! You know so well what ticks for me dada!!:pp i was heavy hearted seeing this to be six parts but luckily found onubads:p taking the easy way out i guess. XDXD

Maybe you are observer, maybe you are a reactionary; but did that make any difference?

Sadly it did not! But i want it to dada! I want it to make a difference. I want to chane things for the better. But how do I choose? How do I know what to choose? Never wanted adrenaline and valueless sentiment get the best of me yet im failing to stop again and again:( maybe I lack tajruba or hikma. Or perhaps i give into buzz words too easy. But I have a pure heart. Atleast that much i have to believe in, or else what would i be left with!

It's all good. Nobody knows that either. We figure that out with our life. Also you know my view "tajruba" is overrated ;)