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RE: Good grief

in OCD4 years ago

listless and lethargic:
Two good words for today for me, you could add in mind numb this morning.
I awoke that way today, I woke up and was still tired, and felt like my brain was fried or scrambled. I did manage to get some of my morning routine done such as voting, but when I tried to think, to respond to post to make meaningful comments I said brain felt fried, 12 hour after waking up though things are sort of back to normal. It just took a long time to inch my way forward.


I sometimes wonder what causes these kinds of "fuzz" periods, is it a virus our body fights off or is it hormonal triggered by a mood or a food we have eaten? It may be impossible to discover in the moment, but observing over time could hint toward possible likely candidates. For example, eating sugar will affect mental ability, doing it consistently might have irreversible consequences - yet, people worry about getting fat.

It could be food related, but my diet does not change often, I have a pretty simple diet. I am just glad it does not happen often, maybe once a month. Having diabetes I do watch the carb/sugar intake. Probably visited one store to many yesterday, and got wore out from it.


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