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RE: OCD Community Boost Contest #8: Highlighting Shadow Hunters

in OCD3 years ago

I love to take photos of many subjects including shadows. But to write about anything, well that is my weakness. 250 words minimum, that is a challenge by itself. Regardless I will try my best to participate in this interesting contest.


I understand! I love to take photos and put them together in sort of a photo essay, but putting the words together is much more difficult for me. By hanging around here on Hive I have gotten better at it and I bet you will, too. I'll be looking forward to see what you come up with!

You are right @melinda010100 , practice makes you better with everything, with writing too.

Please do try. It is fun and you can tell a story wrapped around your photos.
For me it is still challenging to write. And not because English is not my mother tongue. But until you try you would never know.

Thank very much for your encouraging words @nelinoeva. I'll do my best.