Fever dream in two floors and a garden between

in OCD4 years ago

Fever dream in two floors
and a garden between
. . - . - . - . - . - . - . .

original writing and images
 - . - . by @d-pend . - . - 
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Fever dream in two floors
and a garden between

Some tunnel-burst from darkness;
a funnel towards light —
come down upon us.

And all directionless, the fright
that dissipates with slow awareness;
and the growing lucid touch
of planes impossible —
unfolding, saying much
with wordless shapes — indiscernible
the permutations of that old familiarity
in architecture strange —
in convolutions otherworldly,
rooms and awnings swell and rearrange.

One floor yawns out before me,
filled with brick and leath'ry hues
devoid of faces to abhor me,
no hierarchy to which to pay the dues
of consciousness harsh shunted into cold materiality,
my nonlocality diffuse all into three dimensions crammed.
Cursed physicality —
this endless river dammed,
this fire and the wand'ring tongues
a-babbling 'bout celestial rungs
descended to explore me,
one floor yawns out before me.

I passwall through to gardens brief:
a second's thief, a moment's pause
beneath the glow of unreal leaf
I pass beneath the bridge of laws
bizarre, upholds illogic
and the road which carries nothing,
over ether held by magic
and the nothingness' loathing
to collapse into hard form.

A second floor presents with equal blur,
the only clarity — the I Am that I Am
yet all the features flirt, demure
to show the character of column,
and ambiguity of presence reigns
along with promise —
reveal the real, unface the false that feigns
a basket's bliss —
by nothing carried: time is all unharried
and calm meanders its egress.

That same tunnel, that same darkness,
that same certainty and terror,
that selfsame euphoric error
of the dreamed pedestal collapses closed
and I, reposed —
oscillate between the harrowed ultimate
and speckles on its coat that blind the eyes.
A rainbow flashes forth, I lay, I sit
and life averts demise.




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This post is original writing and photomanipulations by Daniel Pendergraft
-- .. -- .. created to be published on HIVE on May 13, 2020 .. -- .. --

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I don't know if that's what inspired you for this surreal and evocative piece, but it reminded me of the dreams, or nightmares of when I was in bed with a fever and I dreamed of tunnels, infinite and finished. Afterwards I woke up sweaty and my mother (the rainbow flashing) asked me what I had dreamed of.
I could not explain it to her, I told her I dreamed of tunnel and light. Best wishes. Thanks for new inspirations.