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RE: So What’s The Criteria For A Quality Post? - How Curators Make Their Selections...

in OCD3 years ago

thank you so much for putting this together. It's good to know about all the criterias you look for when making your decisions. I was worrying about many things when I first started this journey. Like what if I don't have a good camera to take good pictures or my English writting has many mistakes. Thanks to your post, I also learn that we are all in a journey to improve and grow. I am not perfect yet so it's ok to make mistakes as long as I put my effort to improve it. Cheers, Dora.

 3 years ago  

It was really a pleasure ;)

That’s exactly right! I didn’t start out knowing what I was doing, it took time and experience to grow and learn. Keep reading, mingling and learning and you’ll do just fine here :)

Thanks for the comment ~

Thank you for your advice :) learning new things is the best part of joining Hive. At first, I didn't want to join as I think it's just a blogging platform. But then, when I started to read about it, I saw many terms and things that I didn't know. That was when I made a decision - I had to join.

Have a great weekend.

 3 years ago  

Oh wow, well I’m glad you decided to join ;)

I have learned so many new things by being here, things that have added value to my life. I hope you continue to enjoy your time here.

Thank you! Enjoy your weekend as well ~