Benefits of "Siwak / Miswak" Wood for Dental & Mouth Health

in OCD4 years ago (edited)


Before toothpaste became familiar in the world, ancient people in Africa, West Asian and the Middle East used Miswak or Siwak wood to clean their teeth. Until this time Miswak wood is still widely used to clean teeth and is also a material for making Miswak toothpaste.


Siwak wood is derived from the branches of the Arak tree or in Latin name called Salvador persica is a shrub that much grows in the Middle East. With small leaves, dense, and always green. Small branches with twisting twigs. The inter part of the wood is white, soft fibrous, and fragrant. The ancients believed that the efficacy of siwak wood could prevent cavities and make teeth strong. And that was also proved by a series of medical studies in modern age. Miswak wood is also included in the series of natural materials in the treatment concept of Thibbun Nabawi which was about ±1400 centuries ago.

Miswak wood contains natural compounds that are good for oral health including alkaloids, silica, sodium bicarbonate, chloride and fluoride, vitamin C, calcium, sulfur, essential oils, and tannins. The World Health Organization has also approved Miswak wood as a royal hygiene agent.

Miswak wood is a natural ingredient for maintaining oral health. Generally avoid from chemicals such as those found in manufactured dental health products. Certainly safe and affordable. The Miswak wood benefits include:

  • Caring for tooth strength and preventing cavities
    Essential oil in Siwak triggers the production of abundant saliva through the way when it's chewed. This essential oil content is useful for preventing cavities and also porous. Saliva serves to maintain the PH balance in the oral cavity. So that it can suppress the growth of bacteria in the mouth.

  • Prevents bad breath and keeps the breath fresh
    Siwak stem contains natural antibacterial substances that prevent bad breath. In toothpaste products made from siwak will be combined with mint leaves to maintain the freshness of the mouth.

  • Prevents from the dental plaque
    Dental plaque is formed due to the remnants of food that is still attached to the teeth. The food scraps are then converted by bacteria in the oral cavity into Acidic substances, these substances which play a role in damaging teeth. By regularly cleaning teeth after eating with Siwak wood, the silica substance contained in Siwak wood will help to clean dental plaque and also remove yellow stains on teeth.

  • Protects the gum
    Inflammation of the gums (gingivitis) feels very uncomfortable, sometimes until swollen. So that makes our mouth activities such as eating, talking, drinking so not comfortable. Gingivitis is caused by bacteria in the oral cavity and plaque that accumulate on the surface of the teeth. The content of natural substances in siwak wood will help maintain gum health.

How to use siwak wood is pretty easy and simple, like brushing teeth in general. Following the step by step to use Siwak wood:

  1. Cut and peel the tip of the siwak wood to be used

  2. After washing the chewed tip of the shredded siwak until the stem fibers form fine bristles like a toothbrush.

  3. Soak the Siwak wood in water ± 60 minutes.

  4. Siwak wood is ready to use, ie clean your teeth with the tip of the siwak wood in the form of feathers.

This my article today. For related articles on "The Medicinal Concept Series of Thibbun Nabawi" can be accessed below.

Know About Medicinal Concept of Thibbun Nabawi

How To Make Nabeez Water and What's The Benefits


Menjaga Kesehatan Gigi dan Mulut Dengan Kayu Miswak


Sebelum pasta gigi dikenal didunia ini, orang-orang kuno bagian afrika, Asia Barat dan Timur Tengah menggunakan kayu Miswak atau siwak untuk membersihkan gigi. Hingga zaman modern ini pun kayu Miswak masih banyak digunakan untuk membersihkan gigi juga menjadi bahan baku pembuatan pasta gigi Miswak.

Kayu siwak berasal dari ranting pohon arak atau nama latinnya Salvador persica adalah tumbuhan semak belukar yang banyak tumbuh di wilayah Timur Tengah. Daunnya kecil, lebat, selalu berwarna hijau. Dahan kecil dengan ranting berliku-liku. Bagian dalam kayunya berwarna putih, berserat lembut, dan wangi. Orang zaman dulu percaya bahwa khasiat kayu siwak bisa mencegah gigi berlubang dan menjadikannya kuat. Dan itu dibuktikan juga dengan serangkaian penelitian medis di zaman modern ini. Kayu Miswak juga termasuk dalam rangkaian bahan alami dalam konsep pengobatan Thibbun Nabawi yang sudah 1400 abad yang lalu.

Kayu Miswak mengandung senyawa alami yang baik untuk kesehatan gigi dan mulut diantaranya alkaloid, silica, sodium bicarbonate, chloride dan fluoride, vitamin C, kalsium, sulfur, essential oil, dan tannin. Badan Kesehatan Dunia WHO pun sudah menyetujui kayu miswak sebagai agen royal hygiene.


Kayu miswak adalah bahan alami untuk menjaga kesehatan mulut. secara umum jauh dari bahan-bahan kimia seperti yang ada pada produk-produk kesehatan gigi buatan pabrik. Tentu saja aman dan terjangkau. Manfaat Kayu miswak antara lain adalah:

  • Merawat kekuatan gigi dan mencegah gigi berlubang
    Esensial oil dalam siwak mentriger produksi air liur yang melimpah melalui cara pemakaiannya yang dikunyah. Kandungan esensial oil inilah yang bermanfaat untuk mencegah gigi berlubang dan juga keropos. Air liur tersebut berfungsi untuk menjaga keseimbangan PH di rongga mulut. Sehingga dapat menekan pertumbuhan bakteri dalam mulut.

  • Mencegah bau mulut dan menjaga nafas tetap Segar
    Batang siwak mengandung zat antibakteri alami yang mencegah bau mulut. Pada produk pasta gigi yang berbahan dasar siwak akan dikombinasikan dengan daun mint untuk menjaga kesegaran mulut.

  • Mencegah terbentuknya plak gigi
    Plak Gigi terbentuk karena sisa-sisa makanan yang masih menempel di gigi. Sisa-sisa makanan tersebut kemudian diubah oleh bakteri dalam rongga mulut menjadi zat Asam, zat inilah yang berperan merusak gigi. Dengan rutin membersihkan gigi setelah makan dengan kayu siwak maka zat silika yang terdapat didalam kayu siwak akan membantu membersihkan plak gigi juga menghilangkan noda kuning pada gigi.

  • Melindungi gusi
    Radang gusi (gingivitis) terasa tidak nyaman sekali, terkadang hingga bengkak. Sehingga membuat aktivitas mulut kita seperti makan, berbicara, minum jadi terganggu. Gingivitis disebabkan oleh bakteri dalam rongga mulut dan plak yang menumpuk di permukaan gigi. Kandungan zat-zat alami dalam kayu siwak akan membantu menjaga kesehatan gusi.

Cara memakai kayu siwak cukup mudah, seperti menyikat gigi pada umumnya. Berikut langkah-langkah untuk menggunakan kayu siwak:


  1. Potong dan kupas ujung kayu siwak yang akan digunakan
  2. Setelah dicuci kunyah ujung siwak yang dikupas tadi hingga serat batangnya membentuk bulu-bulu halus seperti sikat gigi.
  3. Rendam kayu siwak tersebut dalam air ±60 menit.
  4. Kayu siwak siap digunakan yaitu bersihkan gigi dengan ujung kayu siwak yang berbentuk bulu.

Demikian artikel kali ini semoga bermanfaat. Untuk artikel terkait tentang "Rangkaian Konsep Pengobatan Thibbun Nabawi" bisa diakses melalui link dibawah ini. Terimakasih sudah berkunjung.

Know About Medicinal Concept of Thibbun Nabawi

How To Make Nabeez Water and What's The Benefits

Dwiita Vita love Nature.png


I wonder if some of our eucalyptus wood could be used in this way. It may not be as fibrous, though.

I am not sure, but in my country when someone have a toothache they use eucalyptus oil that is rubbed on cotton and then put on a tooth that hurts and it works to kill bacteria that cause toothache and reduce paim, I ever doing that when I got toothache for the first aid.

Greetings, thank you for supporting my article.

Never heard of this, really cool. Thanks for sharing!

now widely sold also in online stores and also used as an ingredient for certain toothpastes. thank you for the support, have your nice day

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hi, dwi...nice article for maintaining a strong set of teeth...images 5.jpg
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