Morning Activity : Going to Market for Looking Daily Need [Vegetables]

in OCD4 years ago


This morning I took a moment to shop at the market to buy daily necessities. Shopping for vegetables in the morning has become one of the activities that must be done for home equipment.

The price of vegetables during the pandemic was relatively stable in my city, there was no significant increase in prices. Lockdown is also not applied to market conditions, although globally the Covid 19 case in my city continues to show an increase.

Some of the necessities of vegetables such as tomatoes, wartel, potatoes, onions and so on are still very affordable in my city. I also spend some needs today to meet supplies at home for the next week.


Pagi ini saya menyempatkan diri sejenak berbelanja ke pasar untuk membeli kebutuhan sehari-hari. Berbelanja sayuran di pagi hari memang sudah menjadi salah satu aktivitas yang musti dilakukan untuk perlengkapan rumah.

Harga sayuran di masa pandemi masih terbilang stabil di kota saya, tidak ada kenaikan harga yang signifikan. Kondisi pasar juga tidak diberlakukan Lockdown walaupun secara global kasus Covid 19 di kota saya masih terus menunjukkan peningkatan.

Beberapa kebutuhan Sayuran seperti tomat, wartel, kentang, bawang dan lain sebagainya masih sangat terjangkau di kota saya. beberapa kebutuhan pun saya belanjakan hari ini untuk memenuhi pasokan di rumah untuk seminggu ke depan.







Hive Gift by @doze


such a bountiful harvest right there. I love the colors in the repeating shapes so cool

Nice to hear @jacuzzi you love it :)

Wow I love this pictures, so clear and nice and captivating❤❤❤❤

Thank you my friend for coming and appreciated :)

U are indeed welcome
Much love❤❤❤

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Do not miss the last post from @hivebuzz:

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Nice to hear it :)

1000 replies, that's a lot @ericha! You are becoming very popular! Keep up the good work 😉👍

Eye popping veggie photos. Excellent. Hard not to notice this post. Well done

Thank you @scubahead, I have just learned my new hobby :D