Handle your partner's insecure feelings.

in OCD3 years ago

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Insecurities in relationship are a constant, it is almost inevitable. What do I mean when I say "insecurities in relationship"

Partners often feel this uncertainty in their relationships, uncertainties like, does my partner really love me?, Does my partner really mean all the promising things he/she has said to me? Or am l being played?

Most atimes, these questions arise after the partner has displayed a particular attitude or maybe when someone has this friend of the opposite sex, that his/her partner is not comfortable with.

Well, whatever the case maybe, it's put thoughts in your partner's head, which may unsettle your his/her mind. The is hardly any relationship that doesn't experience these feeling once in a while.

But how you handle it could birth something that could lead to the end of a promising relationship. Meanwhile I go with the mindset that it is your duty to deal with every insecure feeling your partner may develop.

Why do I say so? You have the special ability to calm your partner's unsettled mind with your warm hugs and reassuring words. You should learn to be ever conscious of your partners feelings so you don't do things that will unsettle their thoughts.

If your partner develops insecure feelings, without you knowing the particular reason for such development, it's your duty to persist and get to know his/her reason. The is always a reason.

Always recall, no reason is too little or silly for your partner to develop insecure feelings. So try to fix it!

Thanks for reading!