A powernap could save a job!

in OCD3 years ago (edited)

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Have you ever been so tired during your workday that you could just fall asleep on your desk?

A power nap might save the day! By taking a short power nap between ten and twenty minutes per day, you could improve your productivity by up to eighty percent. 

Scientifically it has been proven that you cannot concentrate on one specific thing for more than 20 to 45 minutes, depending on the activity.  

A power nap boosts your energy levels and makes you more alert.  It’s also easier to wake up directly after such a short nap because if you sleep longer, you might feel groggy and irritated. 

In my opinion, the best thing you can do daily is to take a power nap. 

Instead of going out during lunchtime, pack your own lunch and after you have eaten, take your power nap.  

You will feel totally refreshed and ready to work another eight hours.  

There is no worse feeling than to be tired at work. You eventually get less work done because you are so tired. Productivity will increase if everyone is rested more, and I can promise you there will be fewer mistakes. 

Some tips on taking a power nap:

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• Save your power nap for between 1 pm and 4 pm. 

• Clear your mind and concentrate on resting. 

• Listen to some relaxing meditation music.

• Find a good place to rest.  If your office is too busy, then find a spot to go and rest. (The bathroom is usually a quiet spot and might just be the place to rest without being disturbed)

• Let everyone know that they should not disturb you for the next half an hour. 

Try it!  You will feel great afterward!  




Unfortunatly, colleges are not adapted for teachers taking powernap!
Neither for alumni.

I think we need it most of all. It can prevent a murder....ha ha!