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RE: 3 things Newbies should do in their first week on Hive

in OCD3 years ago

This has been a great work. I have also as a newbie learnt a lesson from your work and this will enable me to be actively participated


I hope you will follow through with some of the advice, such as writing a proper self introduction post and being more active in engaging with people. Good luck

Can you please give me hint about the introductory post. Thanks

A good introduction post should tell people who you are, what type of content you will be writing about, and the value you can bring to Hive. This is a very good introduction post

We don't need to know the full details of your family, what your parents do, unless it's a very interesting job and you may blog about it in future, or how many siblings and cousins you have and the best names of your friends. The post is about yourself.