Soneto a tus labios / Sonnet to your lips

in OCD4 years ago


Puerta del Olimpo que me sugiere
paladear el sabor de la esencia
que tus carnosidades acarician
y mis deseos locos complaciere.

Dulce tentación de alma que confiere
el pecado de la benevolencia,
pasión obscena de la complacencia
que la sabia cordura prohibiere.

Eres el comienzo de la locura
el adalid de sueños de romance
la espada que me invita a ser tu historia

Poseerte me aviva la conjura
de tener tu corazón al alcance
y entre tus brazos encontrar la gloria


Sonnet to your lips


Olympus Gate that suggests to me
taste the essence
that your carnosities caress
and my crazy desires will be satisfied.

Sweet temptation of soul that confers
the sin of benevolence,
obscene passion of complacency
that wise sanity forbids.

You are the beginning of madness
the champion of romance dreams
the sword that invites me to be your story

Possessing you fuels my conspiracy
to have your heart within reach
and in your arms find the glory


Note: When transferring the sonnet written in Spanish to English, the classic Spanish structure is lost.