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RE: Community List And Why It Is Important To Post In The Right Community

in OCD2 years ago

We are talking about the same thing actually. It is about posting in the right community what you are talking about and not adding the OCD tag to a post

Gheheh I get it that people respond annoyed often as this is what people do in general when criticism pops up, even though it is with the best intentions and for the benefit of the bigger picture. Not cool taking those jabs thats why you deserved the respect for what you do!


I am always trying to explain people that adding the OCD tag serves for nothing as OCD curators and actually no one is checking based on tags or checking posts based on tags. But some still think adding curangel, ocd, appreciator and what not, is going to help them, instead of adding relevant tags.

As for the second part of your comment, that is not criticism as we're here to help, but even so, not always is well received :)