Photo Walk - Snowmobile Edition

in OCD3 years ago


So, I found this new podcast on Spotify called Photography Daily by Neale James, a UK based photographer who interviews different photographers from around the world and goes on weekly photo walks where he just talks about photography for a bit, snaps a few photos and goes over some fan photos. It's quite an enjoyable listen that doesn't leave a beginner too overwhelmed with jargon and technical talk. Well, on Friday was his latest photo walk, so I decided to do one as well, Nunavut style.


-12 Degrees Celcius before the wind means I ain't walkin'. And since our machine is finally fixed, it's Snowmobile time! Before the "walk" I took my dog, Millie for a run on the tundra beside the machine. Obviously, no photos of that because I don't want to risk messing up and injuring my dog. She likes to run in front of the sled so I need a hand on the brakes at all times. While out on the run with her I noticed down by the coast was some cool ice structures formed by the constantly moving sea ice. It goes up and down with the tides and that creates some grinding action causing pieces of ice to be thrust 12 feet in the air sometimes. It' really cool to see and, honestly, quite scary to drive by, especially when you are on the ice.


I also noticed that someone had dropped off the qamutik by the ice for later transport. Qamutiks are the traditional Inuit sleds used by their dog teams to haul people long distances across the tundra. Nowadays, most are stuck behind a Snowmobile instead of a dog team. Since my hands were getting cold from handling the camera gloveless, I started to put it away, and go figure, a pair of Dog teams started coming up the ocean bay parallel to me.


You can see more photos of the Sled Dogs here


After having to deal with the cold to get photos of the dog teams, my hands were done and I headed home. When I got there I found Millie passed out on the bed, sleeping off her run we had earlier. After the camera defrosted I captured this cute picture.



Find my artwork for sale exclusively on
Find my photographs of Nunavut scenery and Wildlife on
Follow me on twitter here: Hive Related Account / Photography and Art Account
I am also on Instagram: But only Photography and Art
More art on DeviantArt at: Ice-O-Lated
Hive Divider provided by @thepeakstudio



Just hearing you mention handling the camera gloveless has me counting my digits and thanking my lucky stars to be all intact. I do have a frostnipped toe that I have to watch out for in cold climates, because it is prone to frostbit now, but that's not a worry in Suriname.