WednesdayWalk – Street Life [eng/срп] Шетња средом – Живот улице

in OCD4 years ago (edited)


This Wednesday, we will go back in our time machine to the last warm days of September, for an explanation of the English name for the genre of life photography…

In English, the genre of life photography is commonly referred to as street life. In everyday speech, in English, this genre is called short – street. Trouble arises when inexperienced people literally understand this name, so they really send – street photos to the competitions for the best photo of everyday life! So these are NOT the photos you should submit to the contest:

Ове среде мало ћемо се времепловом вратити у последње топле септембарске дане, ради једног објашњења енглеског назива жанра фотографије живота…

На енглеском, жанр фотографисања живота уобичајено се назива street life или „живот улице“. У свакодневном говору, на енглеском овај жанр зову кратко – street. Невоља настаје кад неискусни буквално схвате овај назив, па на такмичења за најбољу фотографију свакодневног живота шаљу заиста – фотографије улица! Дакле, ово НИСУ фотографије које шаљете на такмичење:

DSCF5130fsVojvode Stepehive.JPG
Fujifilm X-T20, ISO200, 1/1500 sec, Exacta 70-210mm f/4.5-5.6

DSCF5129rotfsMome Ardelicahive.JPG
Fujifilm X-T20, ISO200, 1/750 sec, Exacta 70-210mm f/4.5-5.6

These are just photos that are used to test old lenses from the ancient analog era, such as the Exacta 70-210mm f/4.5-5.6 adapted to a modern digital body.

Although there are traces of life here, it is not a true photography of the moments that result from meeting people and observing their daily routines and habits. How could you get any impression of life in this street, which is even called – Graveyard Street, with a photo like this?

То су само фотографије које служе за тестирање старих објектива из древне аналогне ере, као што је Exacta 70-210mm f/4.5-5.6 адаптирана на савремено дигитално тело.

Мада ту има трагова живота, то није истински фотографија момената који проистичу из сусрета с људима и посматрања њихових свакодневних рутина и навика. Јер, како бисте оваквом фотографијом могли стећи утисак о животу у овој улици, која се зове – Гробљанска?

Fujifilm X-T20, ISO200, 1/400 sec, Exacta 70-210mm f/4.5-5.6

If you start a walk from one of the many Smederevo hills (Katansko, Majdan, Carina, Karađorđevo…) downtown and to the Danube river, where life flourishes, you can see the architecture from another angle…

Кренете ли са неког од бројних смедеревских брда (Катанско брдо, Мајдан, Царина, Карађорђево брдо…) ка граду и Дунаву, где живот буја, успут можете видети архитектуру из другог угла…

Fujifilm X-T20, ISO200, 1/2400 sec, Exacta 70-210mm f/4.5-5.6

All you have to do is follow the force of the earth’s gravity, and you will surely reach the great river. You don’t need a radar for something like that. But if by chance one is still needed, we can find some of quality Swiss production:

Довољно је само да пратите силу земљине теже, и сигурно ћете стићи до велике реке. За тако нешто вам не треба радар. Али ако неким случајем ипак затреба, наћи ће се неки квалитетне швајцарске производње:

Fujifilm X-T20, ISO200, 1/850 sec, Exacta 70-210mm f/4.5-5.6

And when we get to the river, we can find real life photos there, like these:

А кад дођемо до реке, ту можемо наћи истински животне фотографије, као на пример ове:

Fujifilm X-T20, ISO200, 1/640 sec, Exacta 70-210mm f/4.5-5.6

Fujifilm X-T20, ISO200, 1/480 sec, Exacta 70-210mm f/4.5-5.6

Fujifilm X-T20, ISO200, 1/750 sec, Exacta 70-210mm f/4.5-5.6

We can also park the vehicle there. Whatever vehicle we have.

Можемо ту и возило да паркирамо. Какво год возило имали.

Fujifilm X-T20, ISO200, 1/750 sec, Exacta 70-210mm f/4.5-5.6

Fujifilm X-T20, ISO200, 1/340 sec, Exacta 70-210mm f/4.5-5.6

This also falls under the category of documentary life photography, or street life, although there is no street nearby 😉

И ово такође спада под документарно фотографисање живота, илити street life, иако нема улице у близини 😉

Fujifilm X-T20, ISO200, 1/750 sec, Exacta 70-210mm f/4.5-5.6

And on the way back, one should not miss the meetings with friends and the Helios lens test, which is a true portrait glass. I will use it to introduce to you Dragan, who has an improvised optician’s shop under the open sky, where he sells glasses at extremely affordable prices.

А на повратку, не треба пропустити сусрете с пријатељима и тест Хелиоса, који је право портретно стакло. Искористићу га да вам представим Драгана, који има импровизовану оптичарску радњу под ведрим небом, где продаје наочаре по изузетно повољним ценама.

Fujifilm X-T20, ISO200, 1/1300 sec, Helios-44 M-5 58mm f/2

Fujifilm X-T20, ISO200, 1/1300 sec, Helios-44 M-5 58mm f/2

As you can see, in a happier coincidence, Dragan could easily be a global film star of the class of Jean-Paul Belmondo. And yet, judging by how much affection of women he has, he probably doesn’t lack such a headache.

Као што видите, у неком срећнијем стицају околности, Драган би лако могао бити глобална филмска звезда класе Жан Пола Белмонда. А опет, судећи по томе колику наклоност жена има, таква му главобоља вероватно и не недостаје.

Fujifilm X-T20, ISO200, 1/1600 sec, Helios-44 M-5 58mm f/2

Fujifilm X-T20, ISO200, 1/1300 sec, Helios-44 M-5 58mm f/2

So much for this time. Enjoy and see you next week!

The photos in this #wednesdaywalk taken with the Fujifilm X-T20, Helios-44 M-5 58mm f/2 and Exacta 70-210mm f/4.5-5.6 lenses adapted to Fujifilm X body.

Толико за овај пут. Пријатно и видимо се наредне недеље!

Фотографије снимљене фото-апаратом Фуџифилм Х-Т20 и објективима Helios-44 M-5 58mm f/2 и Exacta 70-210mm f/4.5-5.6 адаптираним на Фуџифилм Х тело.

This post is made as a contribution to a photo challenge done in collaboration of two of our members: @tattoodjay hosts a competition called “Wednesday Walk” and @elizacheng’s contest called “Make me Smile”.

Овај текст сачињен је као прилог фотографском такмичењу организованом у сарадњи два наша члана: @tattoodjay домаћин је такмичења под називом „Шетња средом“ а такмичење које води @elizacheng назива се „Измами ми осмех“.

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Awesome WALK and SMILE post!!! Thanks for bringing us on a virtual walk with you... From the streets to the river... !beer

Great shots on your walk, you showing these classic lens still work well today
Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk

Thank you very much, @tattoodjay, glad you like it :)

 4 years ago  

Cool shots, @lighteye! I think I would try this in my own hometown. By the way, I nominated this for OCD curation.

For your other photography posts, it would be awesome if you post them in Photography Lovers community next time.

We're trying to help grow a diverse set of niche communities so readers can get a better community trending page as mentioned in our recent announcement post. For a list of the communities we're curating right now, please check recent ocd community incubation post.

You are welcome to cross-post your posts from that community onto OCD with the feature to get more visibility and engagement from the OCD subscribers.

Very glad you like it, @ybanezkim26, and thank you for your support. I will certainly sent something in the Photography Lovers community, but I had a warning earlier not to cross-post, so I’m refraining to do so. Can I crosspost from OCD to Photography Lovers?

 4 years ago  

You post first in Photography Lovers community then crosspost it in OCD. That's allowed based on the rules. Not the other way around. It means you need to post in the appropriate community first and then you can choose to crosspost in OCD. That's double exposure for you.

OK, I will make an exclusive content for the Photography Lovers community. It will be a bit of humorous tips how to make your photography better. I have a concept in my head and I’ll need some time to write it. :)

Would you like to have a gear reviews like these:

 4 years ago (edited) 

Yeah. I think that qualifies. I'll have @derangedvisions to chime in tho. He's the main man of Photography Lovers community.

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 28 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!