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RE: Behind the private walls of sandcastles

in OCD4 years ago

Even if you've never been online, people who have your phone number are; and have mentioned you in private messages. It won't be a fleshed out profile, but it's there, just waiting for any new info. Background of a stranger's instagram photo, for example.
If yours is the only unidentifed face in the photo, and a friend mentioned to another friend that you were at the event, then that image will be tagged to your profile with a confidence score. (chance that its you)


It won't be a fleshed out profile, but it's there, just waiting for any new info.

It is like a magnet that attracts iron filings - slivers of information that come together to build a mass and the more that stick, the more that will.

What they are doing on a mass level through "confidence score" is building a web of trust except the "trust" is how well they can leverage the position.


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