How to manage 'worry'?

in OCD4 years ago



The title sounds crazy, I know. Because worry is something that comes automatically. And what we can't control can't be manageable also. But I would say this is not very true. Because we can choose when to worry or not, what to worry about and how to avoid worries.

There's no way to ease the worry. Because life will not happen like that, it's not that simple. You will see most of our worries are invalid, it doesn't happen in real life. So, better practice something to manage it.

Avoid 'What if'. When our brain pops 'what if' questing, just avoid it. Shut it. If you can't shut it then turn the 'what if' questions to to 'I can'. Like 'what if I fail to deliver a good speech tomorrow?' Rather say that 'I will deliver a great speech tomorrow'! Give yourself positive vibes through your thinking process.

Keep it aside. Worry will pop up in the middle of something important like during a conference or while talking with your beloved one. Well, we can't always stay aside from worrying but we can temporarily keep them aside. Practice dealing with the worries at a certain time, like while taking a shower.

Trun worries in positivity. Well, maybe you can't actually make everything possible. Some of your worries will be true but there's no limit to think positive. Never think, 'I may fail to achieve my GPA' rather think, 'I will achieve this GPA'. It may not come true but it will keep you moving and give you the courage to make it possible.

Worries are unavoidable because life is uncertain. But I think worries are not that bad as we think it is. We should focus on positive sides of life more rather than worrying continuously. You will see there are actually no benefits of worrying. On the other hand, thinking positively may not make you worry-less but will make you strong to manage 'worry' better.


Good advice!
Thank you for sharing. I mostly put my focus unto something else like listening to music to calm me down

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