Capturing the sunrise moment at the seashore of my hometown

in OCD4 years ago


Hello Hiver Friends

Photographing the atmosphere at sunrise is my most favorite activity, I am always waiting for the right time to capture the amazing natural beauty. In the past month, I went to a beach in the area where I live, the beach is not far from my house. Before I went to the beach, in the evening I had planned it, I continued to monitor the weather forecast via the BMKG Indonesia website on my cellphone.

Memotret suasana saat matahari terbit adalah kegiatan aku yang paling favorit, aku selalu menunggu waktu yang tepat untuk mengabadikan keindahan alam yang menakjubkan. Pada bulan yang lalu, aku pergi ke sebuah pantai di daerah tempat tinggal, pantai tersebut tidak jauh dari rumah saya. Sebelum aku pergi ke pantai tersebut, pada malam harinya aku telah merencanakannya, aku terus memantau prakiraan cuaca melalui website BMKG di ponsel.



Well, when I woke up, I saw that the weather was very good to photograph the atmosphere of the sunrise by the beach, I rushed over and took the camera that I had prepared. To get to the beach location, I have to travel about 5 minutes from where I live.

Nah, saat aku terbangun, aku melihat cuaca sangat bagus untuk memotret suasana matahari terbit di tepi pantai, Aku pun bergegas dan mengambil kamera yang telah aku siapkan. Untuk menuju ke lokasi pantai tersebut, aku harus menempuh perjalanan sekitar 5 menit dari tempat saya tinggal.


After traveling on a motorbike for about 5 minutes, I arrived at the location on time as I had planned. I did not have time to rest at the location, I witnessed how beautiful the moment I wanted, namely the atmosphere of the sun rising by the beach. Without thinking, I began to take pictures of this amazing moment using my Canon M100 camera.

Setelah menempuh perjalanan dengan mengenderai sepeda motor kurang lebih sekitar 5 menit, akupun sampai di lokasi dengan tepat waktu seperti yang telah aku rencanakan. Tidak sempat aku beristirahat di lokasi, aku menyaksikan betapa indahnya momen yang aku inginkan yaitu suasana matahari terbit di tepi pantai, Tanpa berpikir panjang, akupun mulai memotret momen yang menakjubkan ini dengan menggunakan kamera Canon M100 milik saya.


Usually, on this beach, there are many fishermen looking for fish in the sea, but somehow when I arrived, not a single fisherman was seen in the sea looking for fish. If there were fishermen in the sea, maybe this picture would look more perfect. Here are some sunrise photos that I managed to shoot. I also participated in this photo in a photography competition with the theme SUN held by @uwelang on the date #SunThursday. So, if you want to enter this contest, you can read it at this link Here.

Biasanya di pantai ini banyak terdapat nelayan yang mencari ikan di laut, namun entah mengapa ketika saya sampai, tidak ada satupun nelayan yang terlihat di laut mencari ikan. Jika ada nelayan di laut, mungkin gambar ini akan terlihat lebih sempurna. Berikut beberapa foto sunrise yang berhasil saya bidik. Foto ini juga saya ikuti dalam lomba fotografi bertema MATAHARI yang diadakan oleh @uwelang pada tanggal #SunThursday. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengikuti kontes ini, Anda bisa membacanya di tautan ini Disini.


logo hive loen.png

ALL Images Taken With Canon M100 Lens Kit 15-45 STM + 55-250 IS II STM
Locations : Aceh, Indonesian
Instagram,Facebook, Gurushot, Twitter, my channel youtube


They are beautiful images. I remember taking some when I lived in Liguria (Italy).

thank you...
I took it a month ago, currently in the area it has entered the rainy season ...

Sangat indah sekali panorama pemandangan nya terlihat sangat menakjubkan.

Terima kasih teman..

how are you dear friend @ my451r good night
Capturing some beautiful photographs of the sun requires a bit of passience and waiting for the right moment, how good that you are a few minutes from the beach, it allowed you to take these beautiful images
thank you very much for teaching us
have a wonderful week