Humanitarian call for the Rohingya ethnic, What world can do for their better future?

in OCD4 years ago


Aceh was again visited by hundreds of Rohingya immigrant refugees last week on a coastline of Lhokseumawe, Aceh, Indonesia. About 3 months ago, the Rohingya ethnic group was also found by Acehnese fishermen in the Aceh shore who were adrift at sea because their boat engine was damaged, so they were stranded on Aceh shore at that time.

Aceh kembali di datangi ratusan pengugsi imigran etnis rohingya pada pekan yang lalu di sebuah pesisir pantai Lhokseumawe, Aceh, Indonesia. Sekitar 3 bulan yang lalu juga para etnis rohingya di temukan oleh nelayan aceh di perairan laut aceh yang terobang-ambing di laut karena mesin perahu mereka rusak, sehingga mereka terdampar di perairan aceh waktu itu.



Rohingya refugees first came to Aceh in 2015. As reported in various local and foreign media, the Rohingya ethnic originate from Rakhine State, Myanmar which is currently hit by ethnic conflict, which is still happening until now. So they have to flee to the country of Bangladesh to save themselves from the atrocities of the Myanmar government which has massacred the ethnic Rohingya.

Pengungsi rohingya pertama kali datang ke aceh pada tahun 2015 silam. Seperti yang telah diberita di berbagai media lokal dan asing, bahwa etnis rohingya berasal dari negara bagian Rakhine, Myanmar yang tengah di landa konflik etnis, yang sampai sekarang masih masih terus terjadi. Sehingga mereka harus mengungsi ke negara Bangladesh untuk menyelamatkan diri dari kekejaman pemerintahan Myanmar yang telah membantai para etnis rohingya.



They live in refugee barracks. As a result of the uncertainty of life they experienced in the evacuation barracks, some of them chose to escape from their refugee camps in Bangladesh by boarding a boat through Indian Ocean shore to find a safer country for their lives.

Mereka hidup di barak pengungsian. Akibat dari ketidak pastian hidup yang mereka alami di barak pengungsiaan, sebagaian dari mereka memilih untuk kabur dari tempat pengungsian di Bangladesh dengan menumpang perahu yang melalui perairan samudera india untuk mencari negara yang lebih aman untuk hidup mereka.



On the way, they experienced very severe suffering, in a boat filled with hundreds of Rohingya ethnic refugees consisting of adult men and women that not least children who were still under age also fled from their place of refuge.

Dalam perjalanan, mereka mengalami penderitaan yang sangat parah, di dalam perahu yang dipenuhi ratusan pengungsi etnis rohingya yang terdiri dari kaum lelaki dan perempuan dewasa bahwa tidak sedikitnya juga anak-anak yang masih dibawah umur ikut melarikan diri dari tempat pengungsian mereka.



That's when they drifted in the ocean, even while traveling, some experienced illness and some even died in the middle of the sea while traveling. And due to the tamping power of the boat that was beyond its capacity, the boat was damaged and stranded into Aceh shore.

Saat itulah mereka terombang-ambing di lautan, bahkan saat dalam perjalanan ada yang mengalami sakit bahkan ada yang meninggal dunia di tengah laut saat perjalanan. Dan akibat daya tamping perahu yang diluar kapasitasnya, maka perahu tersebut rusak dan terdampar ke perairan Aceh.



In the end they arrived at the coast of Aceh and were assisted by Acehnese people to be given help as a form of humanity. As we know, the Rohingya ethnic group is the majority of Muslims living in Myanmar. Currently, Rohingya ethnic immigrants are placed in temporary shelters facilitated by the Government of Aceh, and are directly monitored by the Indonesian representative UNHCR.

Pada akhirnya mereka sampai di pesisir pantai Aceh dan di bantu oleh warga aceh untuk diberikan pertolongan sebagai bentuk rasa kemanusian. Seperti yang kita ketahui, Etnis Rohingya merupakan mayoritas Muslim yang hidup di negara Myanmar. Saat ini para imigran Etnis rohingya di tempatkan di shelter penampungan sementara yang di fasilitasi oleh Pemerintah Aceh, dan langsung di pantau oleh UNHCR perwakilan Indonesia.








These are some of the documentation photos I took when Rohingya Refugees made an emergency landing on the coast of Aceh.

Inilah beberapa foto dokumnetasi yang saya ambil saat pertama kali para Pengungsi Etnis Rohingya melakukan pendaratan darurat di pesisir pantai Aceh.

logo hive loen.png

ALL Images Taken With Canon M100 Lens Kit 15-45 STM + 55-250 IS II STM
Locations : Aceh, Indonesian
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Fantastic post, i didn't know much about these people, I just knew there was some conflict in Myanmar. Why were you there? just by chance?

I'm not there. but they are currently housed in a temporary shelter in the area where I live. I always cover every moment in my area.