The story of a woman who becomes a worker selling salted fish

in OCD3 years ago


December is the rainy season for most regions in Indonesia, almost every day it rains as if it never stops, at most, it stops just for a moment, after that it rains again. Many people's activities were stopped due to the rain, as happened to this mighty woman.

Desember adalah musim hujan sebagain wilayah yang ada di Indonesia, hampir setiap hari hujan turun seakan tiada pernah berhenti, paling berhenti hanya sebentar saja, setelah itu hujan turun lagi. Banyak aktivitas orang terhenti akibat hujan turun, seperti halnya terjadi sama seorang perempuan yang perkasa ini.


The morning atmosphere is cool and the air is still fresh, so many people will be very excited to greet the morning cheerfully, and hope to get lucky in every activity.

Suasana pagi yang sejuk dan udaranya masih segar, sehingga banyak orang akan sangat bersemengat untuk menyambut pagi dengan riang, Dan berharap mendapatkan keberuntung di setiap aktivitasnya.


That morning, I got up and went to the fish shop by the beach near my residence, as usual, I always looked for the object of the photo and interviewed the person that I would make the object. So, this time I will tell the story of a woman who is approximately 57 years old.

Pagi itu, aku bangun dan pergi ke tempat penjualan ikan di tepi pantai dekat tempat tinggal, seperti biasa, aku selalu mencari objek photo dan mewawancarai orang yang akan saya jadikan objek. Nah, kali ini saya akan mencerikan kisah seorang perempuan yang usianya kira-kira sekitar 57 tahun.


Marjani, a woman who has a passion like a man, every morning she has to get up early and have activities. She works by selling various types of dried fish for her family's economic needs.

Marjani, seorang perempuan yang memiki semangatnya seperti seorang pria, setiap pagi dia harus bangun pagi dan beraktivitas, dia bekerja dengan menjual berbagai jenis ikan kering untuk kebutuhan perekonomian keluarganya.


Marjani's mother who has 4 children from a husband has to work to help her husband who does not have a permanent job. Her husband's job is a fisherman, who sometimes goes to sea by traditional boat, which sometimes does not catch fish when he arrives. This is the reason he has to work by selling dried fish.

Ibu marjani yang memiliki 4 orang anak dari seorang suami harus bekerja untuk membantu suaminya yang tidak memiliki pekerjaan tetap. Pekerjaan suaminya adalah seorang nelayan, yang terkadang pergi melaut dengan perahu tradisional, yang terkadang tidak mendapatkan ikan sewaktu kebali kedaratan. Inilah alasannya dia harus bekerja dengan berjualan ikan kering.


He said, during the Covid-19 pandemic, it was very difficult to sell dried fish because buyers were very difficult now. However, even though his sales declined, he continued to sell from morning to evening.

Dia mengatakan, selama masa pandemi covid-19, sangat sulit menjual ikan kering, karena pembelinya sangat sulit sekarang ini. Namun, meskipun penjualannya menurun, dia tetap berjualan dari pagi sampai sore hari.


He doesn't feel tired, he has been doing the activity of selling dried fish for about 10 years. Before the Covid-19 pandemic, sales increased greatly, but now, the sales figure has dropped dramatically.

Tidak mengenal rasa lelah, aktivitas berjualan ikan kering sudah dijalaninya sekitar 10 tahun lama, Sebelum masa pandemi covid-19, penjualannya sangat meningkat, namun sekarang ini, angka penjualannya menurun drastis.


In the evening, he prepares fresh fish to dry in the morning. From his story, I was very stunned to hear it. Why not, she is a woman who must be willing to work to help her husband in earning a living for his family. He never felt tired.

Pada malam harinya, dia mengolah ikan segar untuk dikeringkan pada pagi harinya. Dari cerita beliau, aku sangat terpaku mendengarnya. Betapa tidak, dia seorang perempuan yang harus rela bekerja untuk membantu suaminya dalam mencari nafkah kebutuhan kehidupan keluarganya. Dia tidak pernah mengenal rasa lelah.


This is a portrait story of the life of a woman who has a soul like a man. I really appreciate his passion for work. After I finished interviewing him, I said goodbye to go home. And I have also asked permission to publish photos and a series of stories about his life on my blog. Through this short article, I pray that Mrs. Marjani remains enthusiastic about living her life and increases her sales figures.

Inilah cerita potret kehidupan seorang perempuan yang memiliki jiwanya seperti seorang pria. Aku sangat salut dengan semangat beliau dalam bekerja. Setelah selesai aku mewawancarinya, aku pun berpamitan pulang. Dan aku juga telah meminta izin untuk mempublish foto dan serangkaian cerita tentang kehidupannya di blog saya. Melalui tulisan singkat ini, saya mendoakan ibu Marjani tetap bersemangat dalam menjalani kehidupannya dan meningkat angka penjualannya.

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ALL Images Taken With Canon M100 Lens Kit 15-45 STM + 55-250 IS II STM
Locations : Aceh, Indonesian
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 3 years ago  

This was very motivational and I loved the pictures you captured for your story. Thanks for sharing ~

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