She's Got Story.

in OCD3 years ago


You can't tell the state of teeth until the mouth is opened
You can't know someone until you hear their story
There is always a process before you see the glory
A process of refining and redefining
Where you sometimes lose those you think matters
With many people failing the test, they falter
You can hardly tell her story with all the cuteness
She is a complete story of strength and resilient
She is good to a fault and incredibly amazing
She knows her worth and would never give a discount
She values her morales over any earthly gains
She understands whatever doesn't come right can't be made right
A lady with conscience, beauty and strength
Who can truly find it?
She is all these and much more
Talented, smart, beautiful, understanding and caring
She would go out of her way for anyone deserving
Her heart is large enough to accommodate many
I feel blessed calling her my best friend
Her heart is a safe cushion and a fine garden I want to tend

An amazing young lady that I call bestie. I love her. She is a whole ne vibe and I feel blessed knowing her. Many more years ahead for our friendship.

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor's order.


Hi @olawalium, She is definitely a beautiful woman, the most interesting thing is that your description makes her look like what a woman is, intelligent, strong, determined and not a simple ornament doll as some men display to their ladies, they are ornaments by their side, they just smile , and when they speak they look at them as if to say, silence or I will not invite them again, I have seen it so many times that it causes me to punch the man, but I better go.
Happy day

Hahaha. So true. Women are so much more.

Hahaha. So true. Women are so much more.