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RE: OCD Daily: Issue #742

in OCD3 years ago

Que emoción, es un gran placer para mi estar en esta nominación, ese post lo escribí con el corazón y me siento doblemente orgullosa por todo el trabajo con las uvas porque ustedes me han galardonado con esta mención

🍇Gracias @ocd y @anggreklestari 🍇

What an emotion, it is a great pleasure for me to be in this nomination, I wrote that post with my heart and I feel doubly proud for all the work with grapes because you have awarded me with this mention

🍇Thanks @ocd and @anggreklestari🍇


Welcome to Hive Community and nice to know. I know Carla too. She is doing great on Hive.

Oh, don’t forget to post on Foodies Bee Hive Community too if you have food related content :)

Carla is my daughter-in-law, she is helping me understand everything, today I am making my first recipe and I will publish it in this community that you recommend, thank you very much!