Legacy Series, Painting for Passion

in OCD4 years ago (edited)


Finally, I’ve been consistently doing night owl tasks like I used to, a big difference than the previous five years of being creatively barren.

Having little to no time during the day to spend time with my hobbies and/leisure, because of responsibilities to do in during daylight, being a night owl is a bonus to keep myself busy when my mind is full of ideas and isn’t yet ready for sleep.

But it doesn’t matter what creature you are, be it an early bird, a drunk pigeon or a night owl, each can be creative on his own ways. Each has it’s own set of intelligence, while he must to do something out of that to justify its purpose, no matter what time of the day.

If you can’t make a change in the world, go into arts and literature, create a masterpiece. I believe that the greater purpose of man is not just to live his life but to leave a legacy for the future generations.

The recent generations no longer require bloodsheds or wars to be known, it only requires a pen, brush and a paper – or any forms of creative expression.

It’s not narcissistic to place your name in a book or in history, and that’s far better than being an unnamed person of the yesteryear.

In the Undertow
Watercolor on Paper

I fail at most things normal, I'm neither athletic nor charismatic—I work best when alone. Many books or people say that I need to be more of a people-person to achieve bigger things in life, but what I don't want to achieve big things?

I prefer to away from the many and work by myself. Art and writing isn't a group project, that is where I thrive, being alone with onself.

So if ever I would leave a legacy, I will leave my paintings and writings that were borne out of solitude.

For you, maybe you will have a very different legacy to mankind.

But for a start, focus on what you really want to do in life and make use of every opportunity you have to creatively express yourself.

Must Read: The Undertow
View Original: Legacy Series

Waterfront Series, Paintings about the Sea
I’m happy to grow up near the sea and to have wonderful memories that greatly inspired my works in both writing and painting.

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@oniemaniego is a test engineer, but outside work, he experiments in the kitchen, writes poetry and fiction, paints his heart out, or toils under the hot sun.

Onie Maniego was born in Leyte, PH. He grew up in a rural area with a close-knit community and a simple lifestyle, he is often visiting his father's orchards during summer and weekends, which has a great impact on his works.

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