My First Hive Post and Coping with the COVID-19 Situation

in OCD4 years ago

The Hive is alive now a few days and I am finally getting to do my first post. To be honest I would have like to post on the first day of Hive but current situations didn't allow for it.

Moving to Hive

I just spent the last half an hour trying to remove my 49 delegations on steem so I can fully power down. Having set up accounts for so many new users, all of which needed delegation, removing them is a pain. It's only a pain because I am using steemworld and it has to keep switching nodes because of internal errors. I wonder what is happening there? is there any chance Justin is stopping us undelegating so we cant power down. Damn now that would be funny and not really a surprise considering everything else he has done. I have now given up trying to remove my delegations because time does not allow for it, not if I want to get my first hive post out ;-)

Everyone is talking about Hive, and it's awesome to see. I have a bit more work to do before I can go fully out on a limb. So many of my posts on my WordPress site have the steem logo. Steempress has now moved over to hive (nice work @howo and @fredrika) and I need to update over a year's worth of blog posts and remove the steem logo also with any mention of steem and replace it with Hive.

Before I move off the topic of Hive, just a quick shout out to everyone that has been working on it, and everyone promoting it across different platforms. well done. Keep up the awesome work. So much as been done and there is still so much to do. Hive is for sure appropriate as you have all been busy bees.

The Covid-19 situation

Current situations are a bit nuts. Most of the world is on some sort of part if not full lockdown. I'm not coping very well with the situation at all. My mum just got out of the hospital before the lockdown. She has phenomena (with no covid 19) and so is high risk. I can't get down to see her now because we have been told to keep kids away from the sick or elderly and she should be on self-isolation anyway. Then there is my Granny. She has been in hospital since the week before Christmas. No visitors allowed now!

Being stuck at home with the kids is hard. The youngest is enjoying the homeschooling and does not mind doing the work, but everything else, not being allowed out, not being allowed have friends over, well let's just say it is not easy with her. The eldest, well that's just a fight all round. He does not get why he has to do school work when there is no school and it feels like he just wants to fight over everything. The attitude over everything is nuts, and the pure defiance and refusing to do what he is told is crazy. I feel like a shit parent that can not control my kids and whats worse is I'm trying to do it on my own. Epic fail.

And the two of them do not get on. 5 year age gap and opposite sex, they won't play with each other. This means my time is spent being a referee and I have to make equal time to spend with both of them separately. I work from home. I'm self-employed. To do this, I relied on the school as my childcare. Now with no school and the kids home, I can't really work. Every time I even lift up my phone to ring someone for some adult chat, they kick-off.

I'm really feeling all of this. I should be grateful that we are well. Of course, I don't want us to be sick or be the ones to make others sick. But I am so wrapped up in my own self-pity and stress it can be hard to see this is all for the greater good. There is a good chance I am going to lose someone close to me from this virus and when that happens I fear it will tip me over the edge. A break down of some sort could be on the way!!!!!

Mental health issues are going to be a big fall out of this. I know I can't be the only one not coping well. How are you coping? Whats the situation like where you are? I do hope none of you have lost loved ones to this virus. Take care, stay safe and Hive on.


Welcome over to hive! Been going well, little blips but from what I’ve heard DDoS attacks have been happening from the angry owner of lots of Steem.

We just found out my wife’s best friend and their daughter most likely have it. They were tested but based on their symptoms the doctor’s preemptively said they have it. Both have lung issues, so it’s going to be challenging.

It’s really tough to do this stuff on our own. My wife and I don’t have any help from family despite them living in the same state. Not looking for pity but we know how you are feeling! A little better off, sorry to say, that there’s two of us. Hopefully you and your family stay well and healthy. We could all use a little luck right now.

stay well too, I don't think things are going to get easier for a long time.

Welcome to Hive glad to see you here!

Thanks @enjar, interesting times indeed

Hey ya Paula Good to see you here!

My friends mostly range from complete maniac to complete isolation. I pretty much keep to myself all the time so I'm doing just fine.

We are in a little corner of the world that can still benefit from stringent travel and social controls, but it's not really happening yet. Schools are closed but bars and restaurants and churches are up and running. The hospital has had a no visitors policy for a couple of weeks...

Right now it seems 100 people get the disease, one dies. The older you are the higher that number. The whole truth of the matter is that we are all liable to be personally affected. Sorry.

And you are so right. There could be mental health issues for a whole bunch of people. Do you have friends and or family that can talk on the phone? I've had more phone time in the last two weeks than I'd had in the previous two months. A dedicate visit with a friend is a good thing.

I'd say keep writing about it. You can chronicle your path and maybe help somebody that is in the same place you are...

Yes, you are right, we will all know people that are personally affected, which is shit, to say the least.

I will be doing more phone time if the kids allow it. Any time I pick up the phone to do so, they cause trouble. I will just have to try and ignore them some times to keep my self sane.

Thanks for reading, keep safe and keep well

Hi hun,
Ouch, sounds like you're having a bit of a crap time.
This might help you stop from spinning out a little and help keep a sense of perspective.
(you like numbers and the figures given here in the vid might be on a spread sheet, so you can be in your comfort zone while watching...

hmmmm, that's interesting. although I'm not convinced. this is spreading like the wildfires in Australia

Look at verified numbers, not panic mongering.
A quick search...
the stats underneath from 2018 - published in feb 2018 (so it will higher numbers than shown, as flu season would not be over by feb)
kha  Copy 3.jpg

and a current stat I just screen saved...

kha  Copy 2.jpg

I'm not trying to convince you, just look at the numbers.
(MSM/governemtn fear porn/propaganda is spin, not reality)

Here's something to look forward to...!
...One of us will be able to seriously take the piss out of the other, in a few months!

Welcome over to the Hive side, sorry I am no help in coping with kids, never had them, so any suggestion I make would be pretty much a waste I think.You could scare the bejesus out of them, but look how that has worked out for the governments. Soft sales don't work either, there kids. So sorry for your situation I just don't know how to help.

Not having advice is ok, leaving a comment means as much. it gives me a bit of an outlet. Thanks for reading and stay safe and well

Praying for those that are sick that you know. I’m super worried about all the mental health issues this will bring. I’ve noticed myself and those around me and having higher levels of stress and anxiety. I hope there are lots of good therapist out there to help.

I’m trying to help by creating a couple text strings of my close friends where I share something funny kids say each day. Like the following from today -

“Dad, how do you remember stuff when you have such a little little brain?”

Ha ha ha ha. Dang 4 year old.

I hope all of your loved ones remain untouched by the pandemic.

I raised sons, and recognize your sons anxiety over the scary changes he's experiencing. I recommend having a sit down lesson on pandemic and why these changes have taken place. Understanding what's going on can help him, and I'm sure he loves you, and he might step up to the plate and try to help instead of letting his anxiety over his fear and uncertainty escape all over.

Work needs to take a back seat to your family. If you meditate, make sure you continue. If you don't, give it a try. Embrace the fear, because it's a useful warning of danger. Don't ignore it or sidestep it, because then it will fuel anger and you won't be in control of it.

Be well.

Hi Paula, This is Rich here in Hawaii. A few videos that might (hopefully) help in some way. Hang in there, God Bless

I also needed to change all the steem logos lol
So Paula, is it that if I post via steempress plugin now, my post will be on hive? You've tried already?

Hi Paula, glad to connect and see your first post.

In fact, I wrote my first just today.

How are you coping? Whats the situation like where you are?

Situation is bad. 21 days lockdown. I am simply waiting for time to move faster. :)

What a time to be alive!

Hugs and welcome to Hive :) I imagine how stressful the whole situation is with kids at home, so I have to be grateful as stressful as it is, I am used to working from home at least. But panicked once when the lockdown was introduced, thought we are not allowed to leave the house any more. I am now writing a shutdown diary on Hive, trying to organize my thoughts every day. Let's see how long I can keep up with the diary, have to eventually switch to another topic ;)