Holy Shit! with my lousy, outrageously unstable and awfully sluggish internet connection.

in OCD4 years ago

About four freaking hours writing, drafting, illustrating, formatting, proofreading and trying to give birth and major sense to a very valuable and beautiful post.

But nope, nothing. The omnipresent Mr. Murphy with his stupid painfully slow and laughably ludicrous expensive internet connection and his mostly all of the sudden gorgeous blackouts over here in my neck of the woods, screw everything up in just a few seconds. In barely few seconds! ¡Shit!

It has been the case, that inadvertently I have published the very same post twice. Duplicating it without even being aware that it had happened. Yeah, I am inclined to bet that none of you, even in the third world, enjoys a sweet internet connection and electric service as majestic and useless as mine. Holy fucking shit!

And for my venturous and always lucky bad luck, I could not even realize and delete one of these posts on time before it was voted by my always alert and lightning fast friendly autovotes. So, now the upvotes and rewards are distributed between both posts. All these votes scattered across two damn "beautiful" posts. Cuz the autovotes.

Well, upvotes and rewards distributed between both posts except the last and most recent one. The one which went published after the first one and end up duplicated.

Yep, because this last one now counts with a succulent, quick and sassy downvote from @acidyo with the palatable figure of -1.60$ USD. Oh yeah, prolly my fault. 🤔

¿What? You didn't know that when a post has been already voted you can't delete it anymore? Nope? You really didn't know that? Shit!! Alright! Now you already know.

But what can we do? Yeah! shit happens. And maybe to me more often than others. Due to my delicious, always functional and outstanding internet connection. Shit!!

But yes, enough of the laments. Because the only sure thing right now, is that a very beautiful post which could potentially have been greatly appreciated and rewarded after four long hours of work. Now has been clearly and lightning fast more than...


«-Fucking Sexy & Shiny Electrical Dreams-»

Leave a comment. Share your experiences and feedback. ¡Be part of the conversation!


"Follows, Comments, Rehives & Upvotes will be highly appreciated"

Cranky Gandalf



Darn! Life at HIVE is not that easy. But the good thing is that your first version didnt got any downvote; I even gave yo a little one, blindly, manual vote but auto vote style... sorry, usually read the whole post before I vote, or vote and then read the whole post, and mostly also give a comment with more than a few words. That said, am writing one here right as I think of the words to write... pfffff.... ok ok, this comment is kinda bin material, but I feel you: Internet connectivity can sometimes screw up our work. Dont let it get to you and continue to please us with your contributions to our community and chain...

ps You could consider to edit your downvoted post, stating this one was not suppose to happen. I see others doing this. Takes away any confusion by others when going through you feed.

Yeah my friend, the internet service in the zone where I am, is indeed a slut very hard to conquer. Holy slut batman! LoL

And of course mate. I won't desist in trying to please (or annoy) to all my Readers & Fans with my outlandish contributions to our community and chain anytime soon. No matter if I have to stay sleepless during all midnight to catch a better and more stable 4G slut signal. Hahaha

Thank you very much for your great support and comforting comment buddy. You certainly are allowed to read and upvote my posts in whatevah style & fashion you want. Your words always comes from pure 'music' in your head & heart. And as you know, I like Music!! :)

Btw, I've already edited the downvoted post following your recommendation. Thank you!
