State Of The Human Union: From “Trust The Science” To Tyranny & Genocide

in OCD2 years ago (edited)

The human collective is at a shockingly & disturbingly low point. And I’m not talking about Russia & Ukraine.


Just two weeks ago, it seemed all eyes were on Canada, filled with hope for people standing up against tyranny. Overnight, that changed. With the flip of a switch of agendas, millions - including many supposedly “woke” to the intensity of aggressive lies, gaslighting & manipulating that governments & institutionalized media have perpetrated upon us throughout the CONVID plandemic - went from supporting the people and a movement for our fundamental human rights, to yet again blindly believing that the same parties who told us that half a million peaceful protestors were “misogynist, racist domestic terrorists” are going to be telling us the truth about what’s happening in another part of the world they shine the spotlight on and spin their new propaganda narratives. Without question or the blink of an eye.

(And the programming has been SO deep in many, that the mere mention of this would likely have most people check out and go into defence of their indoctrinated belief system rather than look at any other perspectives and continue to look at ANY of the other perspectives that follow herein.)

No one in the mainstream has cared to look at any other sides of the situation. Only on “alternative” channels & sources of unbiased reports, will one find there is a tremendous amount of information unveiling a massive depth of corruption in the whole Ukraine situation that the media won’t touch with a ten foot pole. Just as they would not touch the bombings occurring at the same times that happened in Syria or Yemen, as it doesn’t fit their narratives. We’ve been lied to about American invasion of too many countries to list where they’ve overthrown governments in the name of “democracy” and installed immensely corrupt puppet regimes - yet somehow forgot to even consider weighing the the overwhelming amounts of evidence pointing to the same thing having happened in Ukraine in 2014. But I digress


Pfizer just released some of their documents from their human mRNA trials. You know, the ones they were fighting to keep confidential until 2076.

Just some of the highlights: out of over 40,000 participants, 2.911% DIED. And roughly a quarter experienced such a wide range of consequences, that it resulted in NINE FULL PAGES listing HUNDREDS of “side effects.


But with all eyes on Ukraine and Putin cast as the world’s arch enemy, who’s even addressed this? Who even has the least bit of brain processing capability left to comprehend the implications and do some basic math in piecing together some puzzle pieces about what the world’s attention is being diverted away from?

Circling back to Canada…

We cannot even board a plane here without this experimental injection.

The original COVID had a fatality rate of something like 0.01%. Which means to fly across or leave the country, *we are required to play Russian Roulette with a medical experimentation that has a 300 times more chance of killing us than COVID or give us any combo of HUNDREDS of “side effects” that range from heart disease that’ll kill us within years to neurological disorders such as Bell’s palsy to outright AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). And that’s just the short term - long-term results won’t even be in for another 4+ years.

And in consideration of the latest variation of COVID being milder than the flu… you do the math.

list of Pfizer injection side effects:

Wisely - likely for self-preservation and to distance them from the chance of accountability - many other countries around the world have been revoking their mandates and restrictions. No sane politician would dare put themself in a position of coercing citizens to be injecting this stuff into their bodies at threat of loss of fundamental rights to access society while this data is emerging.

As to why Canada - as well as Australia and New Zealand - are lagging… that’s a whole other rabbit hole.

Yet irregardless of what country’s doing what, it’s time to be asking some SERIOUS questions and DEMANDING ACCOUNTABILITY.

In what world have we allowed our “leaders” to gaslit and manipulate us the extend they have into participation in a medical experiment, restricting our access to society, where the companies producing the product HAD KNOWLEDGE THAT THERE WOULD BE HUNDREDS OF TIMES MORE DEATHS AND HUNDREDS OF PROVEN SIDE-EFFECTS FROM THE PRODUCT THAN THE DISEASE IT WAS ‘SUPPOSED TO’ “PROTECT” AGAINST?

In what world have we allowed our attention to become SO manipulated by institutionalized agendas that such immense negligence - which borders on genocide - can be thrown to the wayside and overlooked, with no one held accountable?

In what world do we give our governmental “leaders” the pass to speak on such insanely ludicrous subjects as “environmental racism” - the latest farce in Canada - while no one dares address the elephant in the room of our governments having coerced us with threat & condemnation into injecting experimental gene therapy technology into our bodies THAT WAS KNOWN to do hundreds, if not thousands of times more damage that the “problem” it was sold to “fix?”

We can certainly trust that these politicians are unlikely to take accountability or own up to their responsibilities in the charade on their own accord.

And given how things have been playing out, we can probably trust that even the majority who were only two weeks ago protesting for freedom have since been pinged into a new collective dreamspell consuming their focus to such an extent that most cannot even process the reality of the atrocious crimes against humanity that have not only taken place - but are continuing to take place as our governments leave their mandates and restrictions in place, touting “trust the science” while ignoring the ACTUAL SCIENTIFIC DATA 100% clearly indicating what could fairly be argued as their complicity in MURDER by holding their citizens hostage should we not consent to playing Russian roulette with a lethal, harmful product that has FAILED to do what it is supposed to.

What point must we reach until taking a stand once and for all to hold these criminals in political office accountable?

What level of absurdity & insanity must we reach in this divine tragedy until the reality of what’s taken place hits home and we accept it’s time for JUSTICE TO BE SERVED to those who continue to shape policies in ways are quietly bringing death & harm to countless people as a consequence of corrupt institutions and players preaching the dogmatic slogan of “trust the science” while catastrophically failing to OBJECTIVELY LOOK at it and what their negligence has done?

At the same time, data out of UK shows 9 out of 10 COVID deaths are in the “vaccinated.”

Death figures around the world are up 40% than normal.

There’s is SO much ACTUAL SCIENTIFIC DATA from the results of this failed experiment coming out which “powers that be” seem to keep ignoring and sweeping under the rug, that it’s bound to reach a point of gushing out and being so in our faces sooner or later, that the longer we wait, the more damage will be done in the meantime.

This is a mess that we can’t afford to put on the backburner while prioritizing “environmental racism” and whatever other buzzword or trending world crisis the media tells us to look at. There’s far too much at stake - both in regards to our health and freedoms.

What action can & MUST we - AND YOU - take to set in motion the change needed in this situation at this time?

How can we respond wisely to regain control from the madmen and corrupt institutions we’ve given the reigns to that have gotten us HERE?

Given the unfathomable amount of negligence and criminality on behalf of those we’ve entrusted to “lead,” how can we effectively DEMAND accountability and change in such a way that brings an end to the tyranny and some sort of reparations for the damage done?

(Or am I still just a “crazy conspiracy theorist” for daring to raise such questions, in spite all the warnings we shared from highly-credentialed experts a year ago coming to prove themselves in the SCIENTIFIC DATA seemingly no one wants to look at or talk about?)


I don't want to commit to anything in the meantime. To take a somewhat cynical view, I would say that neither one nor the other is perceived by people as catastrophic. The percentages of deaths seem to be perceived as tolerable on both sides (deaths from Corinna and deaths from vaccination). What I mean to say is that proportionally to the large number of people, very few die from one or the other. The issue of "long-term consequences" cannot really be determined either, because everything that appears as an illness in someone in the long term cannot be answered in a monocausal way at all and is, in my view, rather ideologically or emotionally charged. In my own circle of real acquaintances, there are no disproportionately high numbers of deaths within the last two years, so there seems to be no real reason for panic. There is a mix of vaccinated and unvaccinated here, with an overhang towards the vaccinated status.

However, in my assessment, the perceived dangers exceed the actual ones. I think that the fear of the consequences of social ostracism is the greater on both sides, but the belief that it is the other way around trumps the social fear.

I don't know that, of course, and I have no ambition to prove it.

perhaps my end intended point here got obscured...

Anyone at high risk from CV because they have preexisting conditions wants to take this experimental gene therapy... OK. All good. Their choice.

Shoving it down the throats of people who AREN'T at high risk because they're in good health and don't need or want it, banning them from restaurants, public events, getting on planes & trains, leaving the country, demonizing them as "misogynist racists," and taking away their livelihoods ( especially in consideration that it's now 100% clear that it neither prevents anyone from getting CV or transmitting it and has caused more damage than prevented)... NOT FUCKING OKAY.

I don't let anything be shoved down my throat that I don't want and the people who don't want it either don't do it. The thing is, I can't change the fact that I belong to a minority, the majority decided differently, should I now see them all as victims? I cannot reverse this circumstance. Everyone does what they think is right. I have made my position clear to my own environment, and this has had personal consequences. Since then, my radius of action has been curtailed or changed. However, I do not intend to change my behaviour or my decisions at the moment. I like not judging those who buckle, change their mind or bite the bullet because of personal need. Everyone has their reasons, and it is usually very difficult to find a form of friendly understanding here.

Nevertheless, I would say that the real drama is inferior to the virtual one and that there is no mass death to be observed, as much as this may sound cynical. That was my opening statement, that people perceive probabilities set in relation over the duration of time ... for me, it's part of a form of self-protection not to get personally involved in tragic death that doesn't happen in my personally small environment. To put it crassly, it's not my business.

I had time and wanted to take a look at your blog after a long time. That's all there is to it. I think we have more in common than different in this respect.

Greetings to you.