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RE: Spring and winter's end

in OCD3 years ago

Just looking at that cracked ice is making me nervous XD (and cold)

Did she enjoy her first lollipop?

I have a photo of my eldest enjoying his first boiled eggs XD (it's very messy but he is very happy, and the others did not get similar photos sadly)

Youngest has only just realised late last year the novelty of "firsts" when he consciously realised that he will never have a "first time playing" any given game ever again after the first time playing, as while you can always look for repeat details that you missed in subsequent plays, the feeling is different from the first time. He initially wanted to get better at skating before he let me video but when I pointed out I would never get the "first time" again, he was happier about it.

That's rather sad about your neighbour :<