Do the best you can with what you have available.

in OCD4 years ago

Hi everyone
These days it’s not always easy to buy what you want at the supermarket- this week I could only get white strong flour for bread making not the usual brown whole meal flour - so rather than
go without fresh bread I made the best of what there was and razzed it up a little with some help from the garden.

It did add to the flavour and made white bread somehow more interesting lol






A thought for today to leave you with ....

“If you think you are big, you become small. If you know you are nothing, you become immense. That is the beauty of being human.”

Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev


You are a genius truly incredible creativity style :D

Thank you so much for that kind comment. Far from genius lol

That is a work of art. It would be difficult to eat but I'm sure it's delicious.

Lol thank you

Wow! A new kind of bread with vegetable and flowers. Do you have a copyright of this idea?! People will surely follow your example!! Must taste very good too!

I was inspired by others. I watched @papa-pepper and his children decorating bread some weeks ago. Lots of people already know of this decoration method lol

Oh! I never saw it done this way before!

A great idea and it looks delicious. My mouth is watering 😋

Thank you so much x

Manually curated by EwkaW from the Qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thanks very much