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RE: OCD community changes and community incubation announcement

in OCD4 years ago

Hello there, really pleased to see that OCD is supporting The Ink Well community. I've recently taken over as admin for The Ink Well and I was wondering how we can engage with OCD curation. I have asked in the general OCD channel in discord, but haven't found my way to the right person. I'm @shanibeer#7523 on discord and I'd welcome a conversation.

The Ink Well will be publishing its first newsletter tomorrow since I became admin where we start to talk about how we want to grow the community and attract new readers (consumers/curators/tippers) and writers.

I would also like to put forward the NeedleWorkMonday community for consideration for OCD curation. This community has been around for nearly three years now and since the introduction of formal communities and the Hive HF has been running a membership drive to encourage accounts to post in the community. It's very niche but it has potential to grow and has a core band of supporters who appreciate the opportunity to post in a specialist community.

Many thanks :)