Dandelion in my area ...

in OCD4 years ago (edited)


It's morning. Snow-white clouds stretch across the sky, the sun shines with all its power. Only a few birds fly freely through the sky. Peace ... Silence ... Gentleness ... One flower grows in the meadow. His name is Dandelion. And he wakes up. Spread its petals, slowly but surely towards the sun.

The sun's rays reach its petals. He is not alone in that great meadow. There are many different flowers, many old dandelions. Sunlight didn't matter to any of them. But he was not like the others. And he was a little weird to them. While the other flowers admired their own beauty, little Dandelion admired the endless blue of the sky and the warmth of the sun. The last drops of dew are scattering ...

Its bud opens more and more until its flower sees the sunlight for the first time. He liked the sun so much that he followed it with its yellow flower for its radiance. As night fell, Dandelion fell asleep with hope for a new day. He fell asleep looking forward to a new day full of sunshine. But the next day was gloomy. Black clouds hovered over the meadow. Dandelion longed for the sun so much. He sought it with his flower in the sky. At one point he saw the sun's rays tearing through the clouds. The clouds seemed to melt. The light came on again.

One day, Dandelion turned into a snowflake. A light breeze carried him toward the sky, toward the sun. He was happy as he headed towards the light that woke him up every morning and that kept him awake even when he was asleep. That light was the source of his life.



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