The end of a chapter

in OCD4 years ago

A couple hours ago, we closed the door on our apartment for the last time, with the keys left inside. It was a strange feeling to leave as we have lived there for 6 years and it was our first apartment that we owned together, the one we had when we got married and where our daughter came home to. The end of an era and the beginning of the next.


Even our daughter was sad to leave once she realized it was leaving for good - and I really hope hope it is "leaving for good" and the house we have moved into will create a much greater set of experiences than where we were. It is n't the place of course, but perhaps a fresh start will remind lady luck that we are still around, we survived.


Though, they aren't all bad memories and we are lucky that we have the daughter we do, because she is fantastic and I am so glad that she has made it through these last weeks the way she has. I know she isn't even four yet, but her temperament, attitude and behavior at this stage will hopefully set her up for taking responsibility for herself later, and thriving.

Not a bad last photo in the apartment.


THe last days have bee increasingly hectic, but I am hoping that now that we are "in" the new place, we can slowly get organized without having to worry about rushing too much. We of course have a lot to do - but other than setting up @smallstep's temporary room so she has some space to play and an office area for remote work, the rest can wait a few days.


I need a bit of recovery time myself, which is why I am taking a few moments to write. My hands are swollen from carrying and chemicals, my feet from running up and down a thousand stairs, one of my ankles I twisted two or three days, I tore a muscle in my neck... the list goes on...just a little space, some peace and quiet minus without having to carry a box would be great.


I am hoping that in the evening I can get to writing more seriously, as from what I have seen, there is a bit of drama going on around the place and I would like to catch up. The last three days is the least I have been on a blockchain in almost three and a half years.


There seems to be lots of chapters closing of late, lots of new ones opening too though, but the thing with chapters is, they are all part of the same book, a journey where each adds to the last to create a story of a life and while some try to compartmentalize - the truth is that we are always affected by the past in some way - for better or worse, to suffer or be empowered.

I guess it is one measure of a life - to lift people up or pull them down - restriction or growth. I think there is something in there to consider.

[ Gen1: Hive ]


Image #3 brought a big smile on my face. Brilliant!

You too? Glad I'm not the only one.

I am surprised it turned out as she was rolling around like crazy :)

Tell here to keep her tongue inside her mouth while rolling around like crazy. :)

I try... She seems determined to get corona

New memories to make man, new adventures in a new place. Home is where you are when the door closes behind you, and where your family is.

A few good pictures here.

I'm not sure if we'll be there in July but we'll celebrate your new chapter when we are.

I hope you can still make it, but things are what they are at the moment.

This place is already a bit homier than when we talked to you - I have some screens set up :D

Just in time for Monday morning work!

I can only imagine your sentiment. I have never had to face a situation like this so I would refrain from commenting!

But I do know that sometimes a 'move' works out for the better!

And best of luck to your new house and wonderful family, nevertheless.

Moving is quite a hassle, but I think the biggest job is ahead, as we are renovating heavily for the next year or so.

It is always worth commenting and asking some question or having a chat :)

There's often this last minute reluctance when one's moving away from an old apartment lol that sense of panic hahaha. Well it's been great I think

Yah, it was a bit sad, and my daughter wanted lots of last kisses, as did I.

I wish you and your family all the best for the future!!!

Thanks mate :)

I don't know or if it's just my intuition. Everytime I'm reading your content I can feel the emotion of the story. It's not about being dramatic or whatsoever. It's just a feeling I felt that let me read your content. I won't lie but I'm envious how the way you write with full of emotions.

By the way about your post. Sometimes we need to go even if we don't want to. There are some reasons, bad or good. But the more important of it is that when you go. You are sure that it's the best for you.

have a nice day

I free write my thoughts for the most part, so I guess the emotion is just me being me - although I am generally not outwardly emotional unless smiling :)

Congratulations on the new chapter beginning! I wish you all the best in the new house and peace with leaving the former dwellings.

Cheers mate and I hope you are doing well.

Once gone - it is gone - and onward and upward :)

The only constant in life is change, and boy did you make a big one! Your home is your respite from the world, good luck in creating a new one. It will be compared to your old one, so often as to become second nature. I suspect you will continue to miss your old place and feel sentimental about those memories. But slowly this place will cease to be your new home, and it will just be your home. Your old home will slowly change into them place you use to live’. Time heals most things and you will soon be as happy, if not happier where you are... Those were our steps when we left our first home of eight years. The kids adapt and do well, as long as the parents per usual they take their clues from you two.. both good and bad, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Life is quite the journey and your ride is moving on..move on with it and enjoy the scenery.

I suspect you will continue to miss your old place and feel sentimental about those memories. But

I think I will miss it the most in winter, as now I will have to do snow work :D

Your old home will slowly change into them place you use to live’.

I think this is the case with all homes. It is a strange feeling to ever go back.

The sound of your voice reads these thoughts, in my mind. I am pleased to hear your stories time after time. I don't want to start gushing in the comment section, because you earned some rest. You make of it what you will, always, so keep it up. I can't wait for the next chapter.

The next chapter is going to be a lot of dirty and likely bleeding hands from renovation mishaps :)

We prefer the lifting people up part my friend.
Keep on writing the book of your life and hopefully each new chapter will tell about the fruits of the new foundation that you are now laying.
You are blessed with a lovely family and home is where the heart is.
All strength to you in your recovery!
Blessings to you guys!

We prefer the lifting people up part my friend.

It is the most rewarding, not most rewarded, way to go :)

All strength to you in your recovery!

I think my feet are done!

I wrote the Spurgeon quotation in my post with your situation in mind my friend.
Expect good things and they will come to you!
Blessings to you guys!

your daughter will be missing a lot of memories

She will be making more

Cute family photos. I like what you said that the chapters are all part of the same book and make us who we are.

I think everyone should consider writing a autobiography in their head, and taking note of what counts in the moment, and what is important in reflection. Mine is mostly on the blockchain :)

Great Stuff, Great Photos, Thanx for sharing this ongoing adventure of life.

thanks mate. I plan on sharing the progress of the renovations as they start moving and see if people are interested. It is a massive undertaking for me personally, but it might be boring for others :)

Moving is hectic. Cute photos!
Take care!

It is indeed! Cheers :)

@tarazkp! Your old sweaty shirt shows your hard work. Australian man @tarazkp has a rough appearance due to hard work, but his daughter and wife are beautiful.
The sweat shed by @tarazkp makes family happy.

The handsome man @tarazkp has a rough appearance due to hard work, but was happy because of the laughter of his family.

Lol, that shirt is new!!

... not really.

Looking at you, I remember the Australians I met in Korea. He wanted to be a shipyard engineer, so he worked at a Korean shipyard. He said he came to Korea because there are only farms, ranches and fishermen in Australia.
@tarazkp, your smile was similar to that person. I like your smile, but for some reason sad.

sorry for my english.

ps: How old is your sunglasses photo?

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Glad this particular upheaval seems to have resolved nicely for you :)

 4 years ago  Reveal Comment