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RE: The Astonishing Beauty of the Italian Coast

in OCD4 years ago

I miss my travels - hopefully 2021 will be better. For me, it would even be a shorter hop to get there! Inspiring photos - I should dig up my Portugal photos from last year .... or Croatia ..... or France ..... or Switzerland and several more. There is so much to see and experience. This year, locked up at home 😟


I sure hope 2021 is better. This is just terrible. Oh, please do post the photos! I look forward to it. Let me know if you do - I am so sporadic on here these days.

I will, Rick - soon! I am just updating my Flickr - would you believe there are photos from far back as 2007 that I have not even processed? But yes, 2019 was a great year, and I should add some of those here.