When to invest and when to be careful

in OCD2 years ago

The crypto market is a market of every season and there are benefits to every season. It always seems like the best time is the bull period, but it is the time to be more careful. Since the beginning of this bearish market, the belief in crypto has been falling. It all started with the stablecoin that refused to be stable. Then many people stopped believing in crypto the more. I understand what it feels like to see your portfolio in millions and overnight turn to nothing. I think the luna failure remains one of the massive losses for crypto believers in the history of crypto. Well, maybe version 2 fixed something for the token holders.

Although many people on my side of the world believe in cryptos, a large number of people have lost interest in it because of the massive losses they have experience trading and holding crypto. I have been preacher blockchain and crypto to people and everyone that has been listening to me will always have a soft landing, even if the market falls.

Many people called me during the bull that they wish to buy BTC but the order to buy BTC and other cryptos have fallen very well during this period because of the bear and this shows most people do not understand the fundamentals and the point of value for crypto assets.

Anyway, I just have this little advice for everyone.

To be among the next set of millionaires, get some good assets and hodl.


Yes,the season to stack and make millions later

yes. i agree.. don't count on timing the market. just invest in what u believe in (crypto) and HODL.. 💪😉😎🤙