League of Movies (HIVE WRITING CONTEST): Second Edition | Week 02 - "Tear Bomb".

in OCD4 years ago

Vector Stock

Hi, everybody!

Today we are going to start the SECOND PHASE of the SECOND EDITION of the contest, but before that... Let's check the latest league ranking (based on 48 hours of voting on dPoll) until now:


#01. (TIED) @jcrodriguez and @serialfiller (10 POINTS)

#02. @thomasmmaker (07 POINTS)

#03. @fianna (05 POINTS)

#04. @ericha (02 POINTS)

PLOT TWIST: Applying the new rule (where I add extra points according to my preference, taking into account the first three places):

#01. @thomasmmaker (03 POINTS)

#02. @fianna (02 POINTS)

#03. @ericha (01 POINT)

So... This is the FINAL RANKING of WEEK 01:

#01. (TIED) @jcrodriguez, @serialfiller and @thomasmmaker (10 POINTS)

#02. @fianna (07 POINTS)

#03. @ericha (03 POINTS)


This week, the challenge is to release your deepest emotions and some of your most sensitive memories to write a review about a movie that really made you cry like a baby (ok, maybe not that much... haha!).


  • Each competitor can only post ONE ENTRY.

  • Minimum of 300 WORDS per review.

  • The initial title of your post MUST be "League of Movies (Second Edition | Week 02)" + your movie title. For example:

League of Movies (Second Edition | Week 02): [ Your Movie Title ]

  • One of the FIVE MAIN TAGS of your post MUST be #leagueofmovies. You won't need to comment on the link to your post here because I'll search for it by the main tag.

  • You MUST mention the post of THIS CONTEST within YOUR POST.

  • Only ENGLISH, SPANISH and PORTUGUESE entries will be accepted for a better understanding.

  • (NEW RULE) => In another attempt to spread the contest, you MUST tag at least TWO (02) of YOUR FRIENDS at the end of your post.

ATTENTION: All those who have decided to write and participate in the contest must follow (strictly) all the rules. Otherwise, the post will not be valid.


  • Initially, the THREE (03) WINNERS will be chosen by the public through weekly POOLS on dPoll.

  • (NEW RULE) => I will add EXTRA SCORES for each of the reviews (05 POINTS for FIRST PLACE, 03 POINTS for SECOND PLACE and 01 POINT for THIRD PLACE) according to my preferences considering the three winners chosen by the public.


  • All posts MUST be written by the end of MAY 18th.

  • MAY 19th ​​and 20th = 48 hours of voting on dPoll.


  • The FIRST PLACE of each week will get 10 POINTS, the SECOND PLACE will get 07 POINTS, the THIRD PLACE will get 05 POINTS and the OTHER PARTICIPANTS will get 02 POINTS.

  • AT THE END OF THE FOURTH WEEK, scores will be calculated and the THREE WINNERS will be elected. If there is a TIE, the prize will be EQUALLY SPLITTED.





QUICK REMINDER: The contest will be WEEKLY and the prize will be MONTHLY. So, you all can be sure that I'll try my best to keep this schedule on time.

That's it for now folks. It's movie again! ;)

Any questions?
Please comment below or contact me on Discord (wiseagent).


This post is shared to Twitter in support of @ocd and @ocdb's #posh initiative.

Congrats @fianna, Nice to heard you cutting me on the score, let's try another chance ^_^

The competition is getting hot, @ericha... Haha! ;P

Slowly but sure, isn't it @wiseagent?

Que ótima notícia! Quem diria que eu ficaria em primeiro, não estava esperando por isso hahah principalmente pelo fato de eu ter escrito somente em português! No próximo escreverei uma versão em inglês também! E agradeço imensamente pela pontuação extra! :D

Escrever em Inglês te dá mais visibilidade (então se puder, faça isso)... Mas o que importa mesmo (ao menos para mim) é a qualidade do conteúdo. Então, manda brasa aí no próximo post! ;)

Graças ao nosso amigo @thomasmmaker fui transportado pra cá e vi seu concurso. Olha Wiseagent... São tantos filmes que já me fizeram cair umas lágrimas viu!? Kkkk.... Vou participar com certeza amigo e vou escolher aqui um filme. Vlw!

Tenho certeza que você vai escolher um ótimo filme e irá escrever um excelente post, amigo! Capricha aí porque para participar dessa rodada você tem até amanhã para postar (depois começa a votação).

Blz, já estou separando aqui algumas imagens do filme. Hoje a noite sai o post e tenho certeza de que você já assistiu rsrsrs...