Let's talk about teamwork

in OCD3 years ago
Photo of Fox in Pexels

A person can be on several teams at the same time; or on the same team for an extended period of time. Everyone who participates in or joins a team contributes by their own efforts. The more people you are able to join a team, the more you help, and the greater your satisfaction as a team. When you do your part, you will get more back than you give in return. It is also more likely that people with whom you come in contact will appreciate your effort by taking time to help you or even by getting to know you.

So when you say you are on a team, that is only an effort to show how much you care. It does not mean that you are on a team for the sake of the team.

There are some situations you must overcome to be able to take part in a team.

The first factor is that the team might not always be right for you.

I have found many situations in the NBA in which a new player might not fit in at all, but his coach will see something in him and make him fit. It is not always easy to keep an open mind when being put with another team, but there are many examples, and they are all worth trying to succeed.

It might be that you are best in one team and bad in another.

Before I tell you the definition of teamwork, it may help to give you some examples of what I consider to be the different types of teams. Some examples are as follows.

  • A team of web developers and designers.
  • A team of testers and project owners.

Each of these teams will meet in a specific place and time based on what was created to accomplish the assigned task. Let's get more concrete:

A team of web developers and designers uses data and code to create a site.

A team of testers and project owners use their creativity and intuition to create a feature and test it with users.

Some people think that the only type of team that you should consider for your software product is a development team. However, this is a mistake. There are no hard and fast rules as to the types of teams that you should consider. In any project, you will meet people from many different backgrounds. At this point, you can also form a team from existing groups. The only way to determine if you are building a team or forming a new team is to ask yourself these questions.

How have they contributed to the project?

How much were their skill sets required?

Are they willing to lend you their skills?

Are they willing to help you in any way if it comes up?

Do they show initiative where needed, and make an effort to share ideas?

Are they self-motivated and willing to do the work to get the project done?

Let's take my first example, my web development team. The purpose was to build a site that allowed users to search for local businesses along with other information (e.g. phone number, address, directions, etc.)

In this scenario, what would we consider to be the different skills between these 5 members of our team? The first thing that we can do is to determine what skills are required to meet the requirements of that project. For example, if the users were to search for local businesses at their workplace, then all 5 of the members of our team would be required to be web developers with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. If the user was to search the internet at their workplace (e.g. search for "hotels in Dallas," "hotel directions," and "bathrooms in Dallas"), all 5 members of the team would be required to have knowledge of SQL (SQL server) and JavaScript (AngularJS).

"What happens in my team is my problems."

Your team does not act in isolation. It is actually a network of people. You may not be the face of the group, but your input, comments and suggestions are part of what everyone can take on board; which leads to more involvement. In other words, the more people participate in a project or group, the greater the satisfaction in the project.

If you are not aware of the fact that people are connected to one another, it is easy to think that things in your team or at your project stand alone. But they do not.

"I'm not part of this group. I'm just a customer."

No, this should be considered a positive point. As a business owner, your responsibility is to bring in new customers and increase your income. You need to provide value for them as much as possible. You need to make them happy to buy something from you.

Your company has created the best and easiest method to do that. This simple method is called marketing.

It gives you a way to show value to new people, to the customers who come into your business. These customers become new customers who will support your business for many years to come. It is like putting a big smile on everyone's face.

You can increase sales and profits by creating a positive feedback system. It will be a win-win situation that will ensure that your business stays financially strong.

"I'll do what I can because we are a team."

So now you have been given a list of positive points from which you can conclude that working together is a good idea. But you may want to have a look at some of the negative points that can occur when your team does not work together.

You may find that your team has conflicts or is fighting with something that they believe is unfair. They may start fighting with someone by accident. This will not go unnoticed. There could be a few arguments that start happening unintentionally. It is an important thing to find out, so let your team know who is fighting and why it is necessary to stop the altercation.

They also may not understand that the team may disagree on their decisions or that they are not on the same page in terms of the task at hand. You need to remind everyone and explain what is acceptable for you to do. For example, if you are the project lead, you know that you cannot carry out everything at the first day, because you have to talk to the others about how things look and what direction they should head towards.

It is important to show respect within the team for those who are taking their place. You need to show appreciation and respect to those of whom you know and understand the importance of your work.

Things to Remember:

A positive attitude. A positive attitude will help you stay committed and motivated as you work with people of all levels.

A team game. The game itself is not important. People learn something about themselves and others as a team. It is the people in the team who share their ideas with others.

Collaborative team-working. You will get more out of the experience if you cooperate and work together. This is especially true of people from different backgrounds; you find it easier to work with people in common interest.

Personal development.It is better to take a break from the game than to waste time on it. You need to feel that your actions have an impact and your skills, abilities, and knowledge are being used successfully in order to increase your future chances of success.

A team project. Most people feel as strongly as you do about the importance of developing one's skills. Even though this may be difficult, working on yourself by learning and improving is more likely to produce positive results than trying to solve everyone else's problems.

Now that you are a bit more familiar with team work as a whole, you can start using it in your daily life. Take a look at some of the above points and see how you can use them to improve your work in life. If you have any suggestions that come to mind, leave your comment below. Thank you!.

The images used in this publication are free to use and have only been used to enrich the writing. There is no obligation to publicly praise the photographer or Pexels, although it is a nice touch.
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